Call for Ph.D. applications on Reverse Engineering for Cast Foundry Parts
Location / Research units:
The position will be primarily located at the Arts and Métiers Institute of Technology, Aix-en-Provence (France), within the LISPEN (Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Physiques et Numériques) and the MSMP (Mechanics, Surfaces and Materials Processing) laboratories.
Doctoral School:
SMI - Sciences des Métiers de l'Ingénieur (Engineering Science)
Position overview – Keywords
Reverse engineering, digital twins, cast foundry, Design for Re-Manufacturing, additive manufacturing
Position Overview – Context
For many years, casting has largely remained a process with no significant breakthroughs, where lack of innovation stemmed from the profound reliance on empirical knowledge. Processes are typically shaped by the practical expertise of founders and workers, resulting in methods that may be less robust and slower to evolve. Despite these challenges, casting processes are still used for the production of complex shapes, which remains highly relevant to the modern manufacturing in shaping the future. Among the traditional hurdles, one of the current issues is the reindustrialization of old foundry parts, some of which have long lifespans (> 40 years in aeronautics for example); in this case, previous casting tools are now obsolete and lack available documentation for their re-industrialization.
However, new techniques as 3D scanning, additive manufacturing of molds and digital simulations of the casting process open the way to new perspectives to the evolution of casting parts production. In this context, the work of the Ph.D. candidate will be focused on developing a comprehensive approach to reverse engineering of casting parts and optimizing their mechanical performance and manufacturability.
Key objectives include:
Specific goals:
The candidate will focus on the development of a powerful simulation tool that continuously adapts 3D shapes from initial draft to the capabilities of the casting process, so optimizing control of the mechanical characteristics both in terms of performance and safety.
Key tasks for the definition of an overall framework for a “3D Scan to 3D Cast” methodological approach could include:
Prof. Mohamed El Mansori (PU, MSMP), directeur de thèse
Prof. Philippe Véron (PU, LISPEN), directeur de thèse
Valeria Croce (ECC, LISPEN), co-encadrant
Nagasivamuni Balasubramani (ECC, MSMP), co-encadrant
Project funding and administration:
The work of the Ph.D. candidate will be framed in the context of the “Rapid Reverse engineering and digital Remanufacturing of casting parts (R3casting)” research project and will be funded by CARNOT Arts Institute.
Candidate profile – Requirements
How to apply
To apply, please send the following documents to and with the subject line "PhD/Postdoc Application – Reverse engineering – SURNAME Name":
Applications will be reviewed and interviews (in English or in French) will be conducted on a case-by-case basis.
Contact Information
For more details or questions about this position or your eligibility and interest to work with us, please do not hesitate to write an e-mail to
Founded in 1843, the Arts et Métiers campus situated in the historic center of Aix-en-Provence, benefiting from its strategic geographical location and ties with three major industrial sectors: aeronautics (Airbus, Dassault), decarbonized energies (EDF, CEA, Capénergies, ITER, ORANO, VINCI Energies), and electronics (STMicroelectronics, Gemalto, Thales).
* Le salaire de référence se base sur les salaires cibles des leaders du marché dans leurs secteurs correspondants. Il vise à servir de guide pour aider les membres Premium à évaluer les postes vacants et contribuer aux négociations salariales. Le salaire de référence n’est pas fourni directement par l’entreprise et peut pourrait être beaucoup plus élevé ou plus bas.