Compliance • Saint-Étienne
Dernière mise à jour : il y a 1 jour
Description de poste
1. Title : Agile Model-Based System Engineering for multi-disciplinary optimization in future vehicle development
2. Key words : Design Space Exploration, Surrogate Modelling, Agile Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
3. Context of the research project
Bus, Trucks and Light Vehicle markets have high-complexity product portfolios. In this sector, we are often challenged to explore possible design options for our new vehicles’ development. Especially with the increasing need for improved sustainability, we are investing more in our future products.
3.1. Company presentation
Iveco Group, a company committed to transforming their business and leading the change to a more sustainable future. Iveco Group is the house of eight unique, yet unified Brands. Our product range includes Light, Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (IVECO), Powertrain (FPT Industrial), Buses (HEULIEZ, IVECO BUS), Financial Services (IVECO CAPITAL), Specialty Vehicles (IDV, ASTRA and MAGIRUS).
3.2. Research laboratory presentation
The DISP Lab (Decision & Information Systems for Production systems, UR), gathers researchers from the “Université de Lyon” around a double expertise in Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information Systems. The DISP lab brings to this project specific competences in models engineering for products at the design phase :
The DISP lab will provide the scientific, technical, and material supports (dedicated IT working-space) to achieve the research project tasks and obtain the targeted results.
4. The research approach.
The targeted research aims at proposing a model-based approach to optimize vehicles engineering models and accelerate the release of future vehicles designs.
4.1 . Research interest
When we want to design new products, we need to integrate multiple simulation models (e.g., Finite Elements Model, Cost, Control, etc.) developed with different simulation tools. However, these models are heavy. They include enormous quantities of data for different scenarios. To overcome the crucial computational burden brought by these models, we need to make them lighter. To do so, we generate representative data from these models that enable us to have light, quick, inexpensive; but low-fidelity models. We then link our product requirements to our models to ensure that the simulations satisfy our requirements. Running all these models at the same time for a defined objective and optimizing them to get the best scenario for our future vehicle design, nevertheless, is a challenge in automotive industry.
4.2 . Research objectives and related issues
The proposed research project is organised around 3 complementary research objectives :
The proposed research objectives will be developed in the next section. The achievement of the expected results will be driven by the respective methodologies.
4.3. Proposed methodology and expected results.
To support the development of new products, we consider innovative Model Based System Engineering methods, Design Space Exploration, and Multi-Disciplinary Optimization to approach the problem of “best” design scenario identification for vehicles.
5. Research project impacts
The proposed research project aims at supporting IVECO engineering teams in the development of future vehicles starting from existing, improved, adapted, or new models, new requirements, new constraints, etc. Following the proposed methodology, we may measure different levels of impacts at the three proposed research axis.
6. Application procedure
For application in this PhD position, applicants are invited to communicate :
For applications and further request of information, you can contact : Nejib.Moalla(at)
Starting date
Funding category
Funding further details
* Il benchmark retributivo si basa sugli obiettivi retributivi dei leader del mercato nei rispettivi settori. È pensato per orientare gli utenti Premium nella valutazione delle posizioni aperte e aiutarli a negoziare la propria retribuzione. Tale benchmark non è fornito direttamente dall'azienda, quindi la retribuzione effettiva potrà risultare anche notevolmente superiore o inferiore.