Internship Exploring General Business & Beyond
Training and placements with live projects
Offering Live Projects for hands-on experience for Training in JAVA & AutoSar
Demo on 6th February 2025
1. Introduction to Java
- What is Java?
- History of Java
- Features of Java (Platform Independence, Object-Oriented, etc.)
- Setting up Java Development Environment
- Installing JDK (Java Development Kit)
- Setting up an IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or VS Code)
- Writing and Running a Simple Java Program
2. Basics of Java
- Java Keywords, Identifiers, and Comments
- Statements and Expressions
- Data Types and Variables
- Constants and Literals
- Input/Output
- Using Scanner class for input
- Output using System.out.println()
3. Control Flow Statements
- Conditional Statements
- if, else if, else, switch
- Loops
- Break and Continue
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Classes and Objects
- Creating a class and objects
- Constructors
- Instance and Class Variables
- Methods and Method Overloading
- Encapsulation
- Access Modifiers (public, private, protected)
- Getters and Setters
- Inheritance
- Extending a Class
- Method Overriding
- super keyword
- Polymorphism
- Method Overloading and Overriding
- Dynamic Method Dispatch
- Abstraction
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Interfaces
- Encapsulation and Modularity
- Packages and Access Control
5. Data Structures in Java
- Arrays
- One-dimensional and Multi-dimensional Arrays
- Array Operations (search, sort, etc.)
- Strings
- String Methods
- StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- String Pooling
- Collections Framework
- List (ArrayList, LinkedList)
- Set (HashSet, TreeSet)
- Map (HashMap, TreeMap)
- Queue (PriorityQueue)
- Generics
- Types of Exceptions
- Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- try-catch blocks
- finally block
- Throwing Exceptions
- Creating Custom Exceptions
6. File Handling and Streams
- File Input/Output
- FileReader, FileWriter
- BufferedReader, BufferedWriter
- Writing and Reading Objects from Files
7. Multithreading
- Introduction to Threads
- Creating threads by extending Thread class or implementing Runnable interface
- Thread Lifecycle
- States of a thread (new, runnable, blocked, terminated)
- Deadlock and preventing it
- Inter-thread Communication
- wait(), notify(), notifyAll()
8. GUI Programming in Java (Optional, for Advanced Courses)
- Swing and AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit)
- Components (JButton, JLabel, JTextField)
- Layout Managers
- Creating Forms and Applications with GUI
9. Advanced Java Concepts
- Lambda Expressions
- Streams API
- Using streams to process collections
- Inspecting and modifying classes at runtime
- Default Methods in Interfaces
- Functional Interfaces
- Concurrency (Advanced)
- Executor Service
- Callable and Future Interface
- Sockets and ServerSockets
- URL Processing
10. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Connecting to Databases (MySQL/PostgreSQL)
- Setting up a database connection
- Executing SQL queries from Java
- Prepared Statements
11. Design Patterns in Java (Advanced)
- Creational Patterns
- Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory
- Structural Patterns
- Adapter, Decorator, Proxy
- Behavioral Patterns
- Observer, Strategy, Command
- Spring Framework
- Introduction to Dependency Injection
- Spring Boot for Rapid Application Development
- Hibernate Framework
- Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
- JavaFX for modern UI development
12. Best Practices and Code Optimization
13. Project and Final Assessment
- Building a Project
- Simple Java Application (e.g., Inventory System, Banking System)