HeKA (https://team.inria.fr/heka/) is a multidisciplinary research team specializing in biomedical informatics, biostatistics, and applied mathematics for digital health. The team focuses on developing learning health systems that leverage multimodal health data (e.g., electronic health records, clinical trials) to improve precision medicine and healthcare quality. HeKA collaborates with leading institutions across Europe to advance digital innovations in healthcare.
The HeKA team at Inria, Inserm, and University Paris Cité is seeking a motivated researcher to join the SMATCH (Statistical and AI based Methods for Advanced Clinical Trials CHallenges in Digital Health) project, which is part of the PEPR ("Programme et Equipements Prioritaires de Recherche" - Priority Research Programs and Equipment) Santé Numérique (Digital Health). The objective of the SMATCH project is to develop and apply statistical and AI-based methods with the ultimate goal of accelerating the development of medical interventions (drugs and DMDs) during their evaluation in clinical trials. The consortium is made up of 16 teams, mainly from Inria and Inserm Centers recognized in this field, bringing a unique and complementary expertise in data sciences and AI applied to health problems and specifically to clinical trials.
AI-based computational models can be used by health care professionals or patients within DMD (using the definition of EU regulation 2017/745) aiming at preventing, diagnosing, monitoring, treating, or alleviating disease. These devices impact the health outcome of individuals as any other treatment, but they present many methodological challenges in their clinical evaluation. Further, regulators are struggling to approve and label these DMDs as the clinical evidence provided by stakeholders is heterogeneous. This position will contribute to the development of a framework and guidelines for trials or study designs that could be used to evaluate DMDs. This work will be done with the collaboration of the Digital Health department of the HAS.
The recruited researcher will focus on the following key tasks:
Technical skills and level required:
Relational skills:
Other valued appreciated:
* Il benchmark retributivo si basa sugli obiettivi retributivi dei leader del mercato nei rispettivi settori. È pensato per orientare gli utenti Premium nella valutazione delle posizioni aperte e aiutarli a negoziare la propria retribuzione. Tale benchmark non è fornito direttamente dall'azienda, quindi la retribuzione effettiva potrà risultare anche notevolmente superiore o inferiore.