The Vice President / Provost is the senior academic affairs and student affairs leader who administers academic affairs and student success strategies, initiatives, and operations at the university.
The VP/Provost leads the Division of Academic Affairs and Student Success.
The VP/Provost oversees all schools, student enrollment management, student success and retention, academic support services, research and development, community services and program accreditation, reputation, and development functions in relation to undergraduate and graduate education and executive and professional development programs at the university.
The VP/Provost works collaboratively with AURAK’s direct reports, senior administrators, students, parents, alumni, university partners, employers, and other stakeholders at the stages of development, planning, and execution of the university’s academic and student affairs strategies and activities.
* The salary benchmark is based on the target salaries of market leaders in their relevant sectors. It is intended to serve as a guide to help Premium Members assess open positions and to help in salary negotiations. The salary benchmark is not provided directly by the company, which could be significantly higher or lower.