Your career at Deutsche Börse Group
Your area of work:
As IT Governance Officer, you will join the central Post Trade IT (PTIT) Governance team to provide transversal services to all Clearstream CIO/CTO(s) and their IT teams. Our mandate as part of 1st LoD is to manage IT Governance, establish harmonized structures and processes across departments, and to oversee Information Security of the PTIT area. Together with all three LoD and central functions of Deutsche Börse Group, we improve the compliance and risk management of Clearstream IT. Due to the constant change of the environment, this role allows you to develop new approaches with a high degree of creativity, own responsibility and visibility. From day one, you will have the chance to connect to senior IT management and to build your network in Deutsche Börse.
Embedded in the PTIT Operations & Governance department, you will have the opportunity to also support in further IT management tasks as well as special projects like DORA or finding remediation. The position is ideal to start and develop a career in a highly regulated and critical IT environment with a broad oversight over topics of a Product IT. It brings the opportunity to deepen your knowledge towards an expert or project manager role. Intensive training on the job and collaboration with IT management will ensure to build-up specific knowledge quickly.
Your responsibilities:
Depending on experience, interests and qualifications, your responsibilities will be one or more of the following:
Your profile:
* Der Gehaltsbenchmark wird auf Basis der Zielgehälter bei führenden Unternehmen in der jeweiligen Branche ermittelt und dient Premium-Nutzer:innen als Richtlinie zur Bewertung offener Positionen und als Orientierungshilfe bei Gehaltsverhandlungen. Der Gehaltsbenchmark wird nicht direkt vom Unternehmen angegeben. Er kann deutlich über bzw. unter diesem Wert liegen.