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Stressed? Try These (Secret) Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Stressed? Try These (Secret) Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques

Let’s start by saying: workplace stress SUCKS.

It can strike when you’re tired, stuck in a long meeting, dealing with difficult clients, when Johnny’s incessant gossiping bores into your brain, or when overwhelmed by a bulging to-do list.

We’ve all been there, and the impact on our productivity and well-being can be significant.

But here’s some good news: there are subtle techniques you can deploy to combat these feelings, even temporarily, without anyone even noticing. We promise.

Next time your head is about to explode, try whichever of the following 5 exercises appeals to you most in that moment.

1. Desk Yoga

You’ve heard of yoga. But what about desk yoga? Desk yoga involves simple stretches and poses that you can do right at your desk or in an empty meeting room, no equipment needed. It’s a perfect way to integrate a bit of physical activity into your workday – and relieve tension – without drawing any attention.

Try these subtle stretches:

  • Neck Rolls Slowly roll your head from side to side, loosening up the neck muscles. Do five rolls in one direction, then switch directions.

  • Seated Twists Sit up straight and place your right hand on the back of your chair, gently twisting your torso to the right. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides.

  • Wrist Stretches Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing up. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back, stretching your wrist and forearm. Hold for a few seconds, then switch hands.

These stretches are easy to do without anyone noticing, whether you’re reading your emails or taking a short break. They help relieve tension and increase your flexibility, making you feel more relaxed and ready to tackle your tasks.

2. Five Senses Exercise

The Five Senses Exercise is a simple mindfulness technique to help you stay grounded and focused. It’s a rapid way to bring your attention to the present moment…. especially useful when your mind is racing or you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s how it works:

  • 5 Things You Can See Look around and identify 5 different objects. They can be anything from your computer screen to a coffee mug.

  • 4 Things You Can Touch Notice 4 things you can physically feel, like the texture of your clothing or the surface of your desk.

  • 3 Things You Can Hear Listen for 3 distinct sounds, such as the hum of the air conditioner, typing on a keyboard, or distant chatter.

  • 2 Things You Can Smell Take a moment to identify two scents. This might be a bit challenging, but try to find subtle smells like your lotion or the scent of paper.

  • 1 Thing You Can Taste Focus on 1 thing you can taste. If you’ve recently had a snack or a sip of coffee (mmm, coffee), bring that taste to mind.

This exercise can be practiced at your desk, during a break, or even in a meeting. It’s a great way to speedily distract and center yourself.

3. Box Breathing

If you’re feeling stressed and need to calm down in a hurry, try box breathing. This technique is really easy, and can be done just about anywhere.

Here’s the method:

  • Inhale Breathe in deeply through your nose for 4 seconds.

  • Hold Hold your breath for 4 seconds.

  • Exhale Slowly exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds.

  • Hold Hold your breath again for 4 seconds.

  • Repeat this cycle 4 or 5 times.

Box breathing helps regulate your breath, calm your nervous system, and clear your mind. You can do it while looking at your computer screen or during a short break.

4. Body Scan Meditation

Body scan meditation is a mindfulness technique that helps you relax by paying attention to different parts of your body. It’s an excellent way to release tension and improve your awareness of physical sensations.

Here’s a simple guide:

  • Sit Comfortably Find a comfortable sitting position. You can close your eyes or keep them softly focused on a point on the ceiling or wall.

  • Focus on Your Toes Start from your toes. Pay attention to any sensations or tension. Relax this area as you breathe deeply.

  • Move Upwards Gradually move your focus up through your body—feet, legs, hips, back, chest, arms, neck, and finally, your head. Notice any sensations or tightness as you go along.

  • Relax Each Area Take a few moments to mentally scan and relax each body part.

This meditation can take just a few minutes and can be done at your desk. It’s a quick way to release built-up tension and bring a sense of calm to your workday.

5. Finger Breathing

Finger breathing reduces stress, enhances focus, and promotes relaxation by combining deep breathing with a tactile element.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Trace Your Fingers Place one hand in front of you. With the opposite hand, trace the outline of each finger.

  • Inhale and Exhale Inhale as you trace up one side of a finger, and exhale as you trace down the other side.

  • Repeat.

  • Continue this for all your fingers, switching hands if needed.

You can do this under the desk where no one can see, or by placing your hand on your desk. Focus on the sensation and rhythm of your breath to stay present and calm.


There, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Do you feel calmer now?

Even though these exercises may seem insignificant, turning to mindfulness and meditation techniques at work can absolutely reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being.

And yes, you can realistically do these without people noticing (like we said, if you want to be absolutely sure of privacy, these can easily be done in a meeting room or the bathroom)!

Give them a try and let us know in the comments how they work for you.

For more great career advice and job search hacks, check out our Instagram at www.instagram.com/jobleadscom

Key takeaways

  • You can practice mindfulness and meditation techniques at work without anyone noticing, helping you manage stress effectively.

  • There are many easy-to-implement exercises that don’t require special equipment or significant time, making them practical for a busy work environment.

  • Recommended exercises include desk yoga, the five senses exercise, box breathing, body scan meditation, and finger breathing.

  • Mindfulness and meditation practices help bring attention to the present moment, enhancing focus and reducing feelings of overwhelm.

  • Learning and applying these techniques provides you with valuable tools to handle workplace stress whenever it arises (and it will arise!).

  • These mindfulness and meditation techniques can be performed in just a couple of minutes.

  • Regularly practicing these techniques can lead to better productivity by maintaining a calm and focused mind throughout the workday.

For more insights, tips and strategies related to this topic, be sure to read our other article: Managing Job Search Stress - 10 Coping Strategies for Success

Related questions

What are some quick ways to reduce stress at work?

Quick ways to reduce stress at work include desk yoga, box breathing, the Five Senses Exercise, body scan meditation, and finger breathing.

How can I practice mindfulness at my desk?

You can practice mindfulness at your desk by trying desk yoga, box breathing, the Five Senses Exercise, body scan meditation, or finger breathing. These techniques are discreet and effective.

What is desk yoga?

Desk yoga involves simple stretches and poses that you can do at your desk or in an empty meeting room, such as neck rolls, seated twists, and wrist stretches.

How does box breathing help with stress?

Box breathing helps with stress by regulating your breath, calming your nervous system, and clearing your mind. It's done by inhaling, holding, exhaling, and holding your breath in a 4-second cycle.

What is the Five Senses Exercise?

The Five Senses Exercise is a mindfulness technique where you focus on identifying 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

Can mindfulness help with workplace stress?

Yes, mindfulness can significantly help with workplace stress by promoting relaxation, enhancing focus, and providing techniques to manage stress discreetly.

How do I do a body scan meditation at work?

To do a body scan meditation at work, sit comfortably and focus on different parts of your body, starting from your toes and moving upwards, noticing any sensations and releasing tension as you go.

What are the benefits of finger breathing?

Finger breathing combines deep breathing with tactile sensations, helping to reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote relaxation. It's discreet and can be done anywhere.

How can I stay calm during a stressful workday?

Stay calm during a stressful workday by using techniques like desk yoga, box breathing, the Five Senses Exercise, body scan meditation, and finger breathing to manage stress and maintain focus.

Are there meditation techniques that can be done at work?

Yes, several meditation techniques can be done at work, including box breathing, body scan meditation, the Five Senses Exercise, and finger breathing. These techniques are quick, discreet, and effective for managing stress.

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