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7 Steps to Landing an Amazing (Unadvertised) Job

7 Steps to Landing an Amazing (Unadvertised) Job

Did you know that over 80% of job opportunities are never advertised? That’s right! Actually, the true figure might even be higher.

It’s great news for job seekers who are having little luck finding anything decent on job boards. The problem is knowing where to find these quality alternatives.

Since hidden job opportunities often come from unexpected sources, knowing where to look can be the key to your next career move.

So… where are all these fantastic opportunities hiding? In this blog post, we’ll share our 7 top tips for tapping into unlisted jobs.

Yes, it takes a bit of detective work from you. But that’s a small price to pay for landing something that you wouldn’t have found otherwise, right?

But, first things first:

The ‘hidden’ job market? What’s this, and how can I access it?

The hidden job market refers to job openings that are not publicly advertised.

These positions are often filled through internal referrals, networking, or direct applications. Which is often why they never make it to advertising stage.

Hiring managers may also opt to keep these openings unlisted for a variety of reasons, such as saving on hiring or recruitment agency costs (this can be a biggie… agencies may charge 30% of the annual salary as a fee), relying on employee referrals, or wanting to avoid an application tsunami.

For job seekers, the hidden job market is a gold mine if you know where to look, and have the right expertise. Imagine applying to a job with very little competition chasing the same leprechaun?

Now, let’s dive into those 7 tips to help you uncover and tap into these hidden opportunities.

#1 Target specific companies

The first step is to identify and target specific companies that excite you, even if they’re not actively advertising job openings.

Think about the companies that match your interests, values, and career goals.

Start by researching a few top choices. Look into their recent projects, financial health, and any news updates. This info will help you decide whether the company is a good fit for you and if they have any ongoing projects that would value your skills and expertise.

Once you have your list, reach out via their careers page, email, or LinkedIn. Write a personalized letter explaining why you’re genuinely interested in working for them. Show that you’ve done your homework by referencing specific solutions, products, or projects that they’re working on.

While it might be a long shot, companies sometimes create opportunities for perfect-fit candidates. Wouldn’t it be great if that was you?

#2 Leverage your network

Your professional network is a wealth of hidden job opportunities.

Target specific people in your network who can offer insights or referrals to interesting companies. Use LinkedIn to review who you’re connected to and directly ask if they’d consider submitting your resume via their internal referral program. It benefits them (as they’ll likely be eligible for a referral bonus) and it benefits the hiring manager (by having a pre-vetted candidate).

You might also ask them for a quick informational chat to learn more about their organization. Be clear about what you’re looking for and ask precise questions. For instance, if you’re connected to an HR person at a company you’re interested in, ask for their advice and, hopefully, their referral.

Building these relationships can uncover hidden opportunities now and in the future, and strengthen your professional connections.

(and don’t forget to express your gratitude for their support).

#3 Contact hiring managers directly

Another effective method is to directly contact hiring managers.

If you apply to a job posting on the company’s website, follow up with the hiring manager via social media or email to reiterate your interest (OK, this isn’t strictly unadvertised, but it’s a way to get in through the back door for that opportunity, or others that aren’t yet posted).

Some recruiters may ignore follow-up messages, especially if they’re overwhelmed. But many appreciate a close fit who expresses enthusiasm.

Keep your message brief. You could say something like, “I’m writing to confirm that you received my application? I’m a Category Manager with over five years of experience in eCommerce. This role is a perfect fit. I’d love to schedule an interview at your earliest convenience.”

By stating why you’re an exact fit (mention the specific job title, specific length of experience, and specific industry they’re looking for), you can prompt them to review your application faster.

If the hiring manager’s name isn’t listed on the ad, use LinkedIn or the company website to find the right person. You can even call their reception to ask!

#4 Connect with industry headhunters

Headhunters who specialize in your industry can be the gatekeepers to exclusive, unlisted opportunities, especially for specialist and senior job seekers. That’s their bread-and-butter.

Visit websites like Jobleads.com to check global listings of pre-vetted headhunters in specific locations, industries, sectors, and role areas.

Headhunters are great at putting you directly in touch with hiring managers, especially with companies you may never have thought of. They often have a great pre-existing relationship with the hiring manager, who trusts their opinion about quality candidates.

Shortlist a few and get in touch to see if they can assist you. Choose headhunters with a strong track record, and clearly communicate your career goals.

Stay in regular touch and provide feedback on the opportunities they present to ensure they match with what you’re looking for.

It’s best to work with 1 or 2 headhunters at most. If you’d like to spread yourself further, you can also consider signing up with recruitment agencies in your field.

#5 Announce your availability on LinkedIn

Some job seekers hesitate to announce their availability on LinkedIn, fearing it might make them appear desperate.

However, LinkedIn is a professional social media platform, and there’s no better place to confidently share your availability and career aspirations. How else will people know you’re looking, if you don’t tell them?

Create a concise, positive post explaining what you’re looking for, and any relevant details such as preferred location, industries, and roles.

Consider adding the green ‘Open to Work’ banner on your profile pic to boost your visibility.

This proactive approach can catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers who might have opportunities that fit your profile.

#6 Attend virtual job fairs

Thanks to the pandemic, virtual job fairs have become more common and are a fantastic way to connect with recruiters from the comfort of your home.

Research upcoming virtual job fairs in your industry and prepare your resume, elevator pitch, and questions for potential employers in advance. Use a tool like ChatGPT to help if you get stuck (or check out the wealth of job search resources, including videos and guides, at Jobleads.com).

Participate in chat rooms, webinars, and one-on-one sessions to stand out and learn about unlisted job opportunities.

You never know where these virtual connections might lead!

#7 Participate in industry conferences and workshops

Attending conferences, seminars, and workshops in your field is a great way to stay updated and meet influential people.

Bring business cards, refine your pitch, and engage in meaningful conversations. After the event, connect with the people you met on LinkedIn so they don’t forget you.

Since the majority of jobs out there are unlisted, the connections you make at these events could remember you for current or future opportunities.

These gatherings are also valuable for keeping up-to-date with industry movers-and-shakers, trends, news, and developments.


The hidden job market can truly be a treasure trove of opportunities if you know where to look and how to access it.

By targeting specific companies, leveraging your network, directly contacting hiring managers, connecting with industry headhunters, announcing your availability on LinkedIn, attending virtual job fairs, and engaging in conferences and workshops, you can uncover unlisted job openings and boost your chances of landing your dream job.

Have you found success using another method to access the hidden job market? Share your experiences in the comments!

For more quality career advice, subscribe to our channel and register at jobleads.com to access our library of on-demand video courses, career enhancement resources, job search guides, and so much more.

Key takeaways

  • Over 80% of job opportunities are never advertised! You’ll never find them unless you know how to tap into this hidden job market.

  • One method is to target specific companies by researching and reaching out directly, even if they aren’t advertising openings.

  • You can leverage your professional network to gain insights and referrals for unlisted job opportunities.

  • Contact hiring managers directly to express your interest and fit for potential roles.

  • Connect with industry headhunters to access exclusive, unlisted opportunities.

  • Don’t be afraid to announce your availability and career aspirations on LinkedIn to increase visibility – it can and does lead to hiring managers reaching out with opportunities.

  • Attend virtual job fairs and industry conferences to network and discover hidden job opportunities.

For more insights, tips and strategies related to this topic, be sure to read our other articles: What’s an elevator pitch - and how will it land me great jobs? & What Are Headhunters and How Can They Help My Job Search? & 5 Secrets of Highly Successful Job Seekers You Need to Try

Related questions

What is the hidden job market?

The hidden job market refers to job openings that are not publicly advertised and are often filled through networking, referrals, or direct applications.

How can I find unadvertised job opportunities?

You can find unadvertised job opportunities by targeting specific companies, leveraging your professional network, contacting hiring managers directly, and using industry headhunters.

Why are some job openings not advertised?

Some job openings are not advertised to save on hiring costs, rely on employee referrals, or avoid being overwhelmed with applications.

How can networking help me find a job?

Networking can help you find a job by connecting you with people who can offer referrals, insights, and access to unlisted job opportunities within their organizations.

What are the best ways to approach hiring managers directly?

The best ways to approach hiring managers directly include sending personalized emails or messages on LinkedIn, expressing your interest in their company, and explaining why you are a perfect fit for a potential role.

How do I use LinkedIn to find hidden jobs?

Use LinkedIn to announce your job availability, connect with industry professionals, join relevant groups, and actively engage with potential employers and recruiters.

Are headhunters effective for finding unadvertised jobs?

Yes, headhunters can be very effective as they often have exclusive access to unlisted job openings and strong relationships with hiring managers.

What should I include in a LinkedIn post about job searching?

In your LinkedIn post, include details about the type of job you’re seeking, your skills and experience, preferred location, and industries, and consider adding the green "Open to Work" banner to your profile visibility

How can virtual job fairs help me find a job?

Virtual job fairs allow you to connect with recruiters and employers from the comfort of your home, offering a platform to discover unadvertised job opportunities through chat rooms, webinars, and one-on-one sessions.

Why should I attend industry conferences for job hunting?

Attending industry conferences helps you stay updated on industry trends, meet influential people, and build connections that can lead to hidden job opportunities.

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