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The 'Why' Factor: How Defining Your Purpose Can Transform Your Career

The 'Why' Factor: How Defining Your Purpose Can Transform Your Career

“Your why is what you give to the world…. It is the sum total of who you are.” – Simon Sinek

What do you give to the world?

No, we don’t mean what job you do, or your social roles.

What do YOU give to the world?

If you’re struggling to answer that question, you’re not alone. A lot of us simply don’t know how to identify or define it.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into a truly insightful concept for identifying the burning purpose in your career and personal life.

It’s called the ‘Why’ factor, a term coined by Simon Sinek, a British-American author, motivational speaker, and organizational consultant. And it’s the answer to the question above.

What’s the ‘Why’ Factor?

At the heart of Sinek’s teachings, the ‘Why’ factor is a principle that emphasizes the importance of truly understanding the deeper purpose behind our actions.

According to Sinek, the ‘Why’ is not about what you do or how you do it, but why you do it. It’s the driving force that inspires and guides you, the reason you get out of bed in the morning, and the reason anyone should care about what you do.

Sinek breaks the concept down into the ‘Golden Circle’:

image info

Why: The core belief or purpose that drives you How: The process by which you achieve your ‘Why’ What: The tangible outcome of your actions

For example, every single person and company knows what they’re doing (e.g. making a particular product, working as an engineer, etc.).

Some understand how they do it (the USP or value proposition, e.g. using AI to speed up a formerly archaic process).

But an even smaller number know WHY they do it (e.g. their purpose or belief [NOT the result]). For example, to create sustainable and ethical products that enhance the quality of life and contribute to a better planet.

The Power of Defining Your ‘Why’

Defining your ‘Why’ can be truly transformative.

Because when you understand your purpose, instead of going through the motions because that’s what’s expected of you, you can align your actions and decisions with your core values and beliefs. This brings a sense of fulfillment and clarity that you may never have known before. You will no longer chase dead ends or pursuits without meaning or genuine interest to you. Instead, you’ll have a clearer idea of what you want, why you want it, and you’ll have clarity over how to achieve it.

It really is that simple.

How to Define Your ‘Why’

Let’s try a small exercise. Get a pen and paper, or open a blank document on your computer. We guarantee, the next few moments will be eye-opening. Go through each point below, step by step:

1. What are your passions and values?

Deeply think: what genuinely excites you? What do you value most in life? What activities and causes make you feel energized and fulfilled?

2. What are your individual strengths and talents?

Don’t be humble: what are your unique skills and strengths? What are you naturally good at? What do people often seek your help for?

3. What is your impact?

Consider how you want to make a difference in the world. What kind of impact do you want to have on others and your community?

4. Write your purpose statement

Take those combined passions, values, strengths, and desired impact, and turn these into a clear and concise purpose statement. This statement should resonate deeply with you and serve as your guiding star. Your Why.

For example:

A healthcare professional might write: “To empower and heal others by providing compassionate and innovative healthcare solutions.”

A teacher may state: “To inspire and nurture the curiosity and potential in every student, fostering a love for lifelong learning.”

How Defining Your ‘Why’ Can Transform Your Career

  1. When you know your ‘Why,’ work becomes more than just a job-it becomes a mission. This sense of purpose fuels motivation and engagement, making you more passionate and committed to your work. It can also make you reevaluate your current career direction, and consider whether or not it’s the right path for you.

  2. A clear ‘Why’ provides a framework for making decisions. When faced with choices, you can evaluate which options are in harmony with your purpose, leading to more consistent and fulfilling career paths.

  3. Understanding your ‘Why’ gives you the strength to persevere through challenges and setbacks. When you’re driven by a deeper purpose that you deeply believe in, obstacles become opportunities to grow and stay true to your mission.

  4. Leaders who communicate their ‘Why’ inspire and unite their teams around a shared vision. This creates a more cohesive and motivated workforce, driving collective success.

  5. Marrying your career with your ‘Why’ leads to greater job satisfaction and fulfillment. You are more likely to enjoy your work and feel a sense of achievement when your actions are in harmony with your core beliefs.

Now, let’s dive even deeper into your Why…

Sinek has a truly eye-opening (and goose-bumpy) exercise for you to try with close friends. Don’t try this with your spouse, parents, siblings, or kids, as they’re too close. Do it with good friends.

What you’re going to do is ask them why they’re friends with you. From experience, Sinek claims they’ll hem and haw for a bit, and find it difficult to verbalise in a specific way. They’ll start with generic responses such as “Because you’re smart”, “Because you’re funny”. Play devil’s advocate here and say, “Great, that’s a good friend. But what is it about me in particular that you like?” Keep pushing until eventually they give up and tell you how you actually impact them. (“I don’t know. All I know is when we’re in a room together, I don’t even have to talk. You just get me.”).

Putting your ‘Why’ into action

So now that we’ve identified your Why, let’s incorporate it into all your actions and decision making from this moment on. For example:

  • Set career goals that reflect your ‘Why.’ Whether it’s pursuing a new role, developing new skills, or starting a business, ensure that your goals are in harmony with your purpose.

  • If you feel comfortable, share your ‘Why’ with colleagues, mentors, and leaders. When others understand your purpose, they can support and collaborate with you more effectively.

  • Look for roles and organizations that resonate with your ‘Why.’ Working in an environment that supports your purpose will amplify your motivation and engagement. Reconsider workplaces or jobs that take you away from that.

  • Your ‘Why’ may evolve over time. And that’s OK. It helps to regularly reflect on your purpose and make adjustments to your actions and decisions as needed.

  • Use your ‘Why’ to inspire and mentor others. By sharing your journey and purpose, you can help others discover their own ‘Why’ and create a positive ripple effect in your community and industry.

  • And finally, stay open to new experiences and insights that can refine your understanding of your personal ‘Why.’


Simon Sinek’s ‘Why’ factor offers a powerful lens through which to view your career and life.

By truly understanding your ‘Why,’ you can unlock a deeper sense of individual purpose, take your career in new directions, and inspire others along the way.

Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your purpose and pursue opportunities that facilitate it.

Remember, your ‘Why’ is not just a statement—it’s a way of life. Once you’ve identified your ‘Why,’ let it guide you to a career and personal life that genuinely underscores who you are and what you believe in.

So simple, yet so profound.

Before we conclude, we’ll ask you again: What do YOU give to the world?

Hopefully, you can now answer this question with confidence and clarity!

If you’d like to learn more about Simon Sinek and the ‘Why’ factor, grab a copy of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.

Key takeaways

  • According to author Simon Sinek, your “Why” is the deeper purpose that drives your actions, beyond just what you do or how you do it. It is the core belief that motivates and guides you in your career and life.

  • Defining your “Why” transforms work from just a job into a mission, enhancing motivation, engagement, and overall job satisfaction by aligning your actions with your core values.

  • A clear “Why” provides a framework for making decisions, helping you choose career paths and opportunities that are in harmony with your purpose, leading to more fulfilling and consistent outcomes.

  • Understanding your “Why” equips you with the strength to persevere through setbacks, as your deeper purpose keeps you focused and committed even during difficult times.

  • Leaders who communicate their “Why” can inspire and unite teams around a shared vision, creating a more cohesive and motivated workforce that drives collective success.

  • Your “Why” may evolve over time. It’s important to regularly reflect on and adjust your actions to stay aligned with your evolving purpose, ensuring continuous personal and professional growth.

For more insights, tips and strategies related to this topic, be sure to read our other articles: Whip Up a Savvy Elevator Pitch With ChatGPT (in Seconds!) & 10 Tactics for Dealing with a Toxic Boss Before Quitting.

Related questions

What is the "Why" factor in career development?

The "Why" factor refers to identifying the core purpose or belief that drives your actions and decisions in your career and life.

How can finding my "Why" help my career?

Discovering your "Why" aligns your work with your values, leading to greater motivation, clarity, and job satisfaction.

Why is it important to know my purpose at work?

Knowing your purpose helps you make decisions that are consistent with your values, leading to a more fulfilling and successful career.

How do I define my "Why"?

You can define your "Why" by identifying your passions, strengths, values, and the impact you want to make in the world.

What are the benefits of understanding my "Why"?

Benefits include increased motivation, clearer decision-making, resilience through challenges, and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

How can Simon Sinek's "Why" concept change my career?

Simon Sinek’s "Why" concept encourages you to focus on your core purpose, transforming your approach to work and life.

What exercises can help me find my "Why"?

Exercises like reflecting on your passions, strengths, and desired impact can help you identify and articulate your "Why."

How does knowing your "Why" improve job satisfaction?

Knowing your "Why" helps you align your job with your personal values, making your work more meaningful and satisfying.

Can understanding my "Why" lead to career success?

Yes, understanding your "Why" can guide you toward career paths that are aligned with your values, leading to long-term success.

What is Simon Sinek's Golden Circle concept?

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle concept emphasizes starting with "Why" (your purpose), then "How" (your process), and finally "What" (your actions).

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