Free resume review service

Get a free, confidential resume review.

Six signs you need a resume review
  • 1You send out applications and don’t hear back
  • 2You’ve been out of the job-hunting game for a while
  • 3You don’t know how to sell your skills
  • 4You’re not sure how to use keywords effectively
  • 5You don’t know what to include (or remove)
  • 6You’re unsure about the ATS-readiness of your resume
    You’re unsure about the ATS-readiness of your resume

How it works

Upload your resume
You can simply select your resume, and we’ll do the rest.
Upload your resumeWave
Get detailed, personalized feedback
Within 24 hours, a resume expert will create your resume critique and send you a link to the analysis.
Get detailed, personalized feedbackWave
Fix your resume
Once your analysis is ready, it’s up to you to apply all recommendations made by the expert. Once your resume is in good shape, you are ready to apply for your next position.
Fix your resumeWave

Feedback categories

You’ll get feedback on all the topics mentioned below.

  • Visual appearance

    Visual appearance

    A well-designed resume leaves a lasting impression. Our experts evaluate your document’s visual appeal, optimizing font usage and layout to make sure your skills and experience shine through, capturing the attention of employers.
  • Organization and length

    Organization and length

    A cluttered resume can hinder your chances. We’ll analyze the structure and length of your document, checking problematic sections and ensuring it’s concise, easy to navigate, and impactful.
  • Essential details

    Essential details

    Don’t miss out on essential details! Our review includes a thorough check to ensure all crucial information, such as contact details, work history, and educational qualifications, are accurately included in your resume. Rest assured, nothing important will slip through the cracks.
  • Wording


    Your wording showcases your ability to express yourself. Our review will assess the impact of your resume’s language, ensuring it is packed with compelling action verbs that effectively convey your accomplishments and grab the attention of employers.
  • File


    We’ll evaluate the file type and compatibility to ensure your resume is easily accessible and can be seamlessly opened by hiring managers, but also passes the applicant tracking system (ATS) to maximize your chances of getting noticed and considered for opportunities.
  • Resume screening software

    Resume screening software

    For candidates, it’s always pretty useful to see how an actual ATS will see them. The resume review comes with an ATS test run which will give you the insights you need to make your resume ATS-ready.

Frequently asked questions

Is a free resume review worth it?

Absolutely, a free resume review is worth considering, especially if you’re seeking new job opportunities or looking to make a career transition. Here’s why:

Expert evaluation: An objective analysis of your resume, highlighting both strengths and areas for improvement that you might have missed.
Personalized guidance and insights: Tailored advice can help your resume stand out in a crowded job market.
Cost-effective: It’s free! You gain valuable feedback without spending a dime.

In short, taking advantage of a free resume review can provide you with actionable insights and advice to refine your resume and boost your chances of landing your dream job. Why not give it a shot?

How can I enhance my resume with a resume review?

Improving your resume with a professional resume review is a smart move, and here’s how it will help you:

Personalized feedback: A free review offers personalized critiques that pinpoint areas which need improvement – whether it be the structure of your resume, wording, or information you forgot to include.
Applicant tracking systems: Find out if your resume meets the ATS requirements. Our ATS test run will show you how an applicant tracking system will see you as a candidate.
Highlight achievements: Get advice on how to better highlight your achievements and tailor your experience to the job you’re applying for.
Error elimination: Get an extra set of eyes to catch issues you might have overlooked, guaranteeing a polished and error-free resume.

By leveraging a resume review, you’re essentially getting expert advice on how to make your resume more effective and appealing to potential employers. It’s a fantastic opportunity to refine and tailor your resume, ensuring it showcases your strengths and achievements in the best light possible.

How long does it take to receive feedback from a resume review?

We aim to deliver every resume review within 24 hours. Depending on the current demand, your resume review might be ready a bit earlier or later.

What is included in the resume review?

Our resume review service covers five key areas to improve your job application quality:

Visual appearance: We assess the design elements of your resume, focusing on font choice and layout to ensure your qualifications stand out to employers.
Organization and length: We’ll examine your resume’s structure, offering advice on how to make it concise and easily navigable, highlighting your strengths effectively.
Key details: We ensure all critical information, including contact details, work history, and education, is present and correctly formatted, so you don’t miss any opportunities.
Wording: The review scrutinizes your use of language, emphasizing action verbs and impactful phrasing to convey your achievements compellingly to catch employers’ attention.
File and ATS compatibility: We check your resume’s format for ease of access by hiring managers and compatibility with applicant tracking systems, including an ATS test run to ensure your resume meets technical criteria for visibility in job searches.

This comprehensive resume review is designed to refine your resume into a powerful tool for your job search, ensuring it stands out in both visual appeal and content quality.

Should resumes be one page?

In many cases, yes! Keeping your resume to one page helps you present your skills and experiences crisply and compellingly, making it easier for hiring managers to scan quickly. It’s all about quality over quantity. However, if you’re deep into your career with extensive experience, it’s okay to stretch it a bit longer. Just make sure every line adds real value. Remember, the goal is to grab attention, not to overwhelm!

Keep it neat, keep it concise, and make every word count.

Should resumes have a professional summary?

Yes, they should! A professional summary is your elevator pitch to the hiring manager. It’s a brief section at the top of your resume that showcases your achievements, skills, and what makes you the ideal candidate for the job. Think of it as your chance to grab their attention and make them want to read more. This section is especially crucial if you’re switching careers or have a diverse work history. Make it punchy, make it shine, and above all, make it reflective of your professional identity.

How does resume-screening software work?

Resume-screening software, often known as applicant tracking systems (ATSs), acts like a gatekeeper between you and your dream job. When you submit your resume, the ATS scans it for keywords, phrases, and other criteria specified by the employer. It’s all about matching your resume to the job description. The trick? Customize your resume with relevant keywords for each job application. Ensure your layout is simple and text-based for easy scanning. Essentially, the ATS helps narrow down the candidate pool by spotlighting resumes that appear most aligned with the job requirements. So, before hitting “submit,” make sure your resume is ATS-friendly to boost your chances of getting noticed by the employer!

What are the key elements of a resume?

If you want to craft a winning resume, focus on these essentials:

Contact information: Start with your name, phone number, and email. LinkedIn profile? Add that too!
Professional summary: Your elevator pitch, highlighting your career achievements and skills.
Work experience: List your jobs in reverse-chronological order, emphasizing accomplishments with action verbs.
Education: Degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework go here.
Skills: Tailor this section to the job by including both hard and soft skills.
Optional sections: Languages, volunteer work, or hobbies that demonstrate valuable skills can set you apart.

Remember, clarity and relevance are your best friends here. Keep your resume concise, make it compelling, and tailor it to the job you’re after. A great resume unlocks new job opportunities!

What are some tips for writing an effective resume?

Crafting an effective resume can be your ticket to landing that dream job. Here are some golden tips:

Tailor your resume: Customize it for the job you’re applying for, using keywords from the job description.
Use a clear layout: Opt for a professional, easy-to-read format. Avoid clutter and ensure readability.
Highlight achievements: Instead of listing duties, focus on what you’ve accomplished.
Quantify success: Whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your impact and achievements.
Keep it concise: Aim for one page, two if you have extensive experience.
Proofread: Typos and grammatical errors can be a deal-breaker. Double-check your work.
Include relevant keywords: Many companies use ATS systems, so make sure your resume includes relevant keywords.
Use active language: Start sentences with action verbs to convey proactive engagement.
Update regularly: Keep your resume up-to-date with your latest achievements and skills.

Remember, your resume is your personal marketing tool. Make it reflective of your capabilities and professional goals. A well-crafted resume not only showcases your experience but also your attention to detail and dedication.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when writing a resume?

Yes, steering clear of common pitfalls can make your resume stand out for the right reasons. Here are some common resume writing mistakes:

Ignoring customization: Not tailoring your resume to the specific job can result in a quick pass. Use keywords from the job description.
Overcomplicating the design: While creativity is appreciated, overly complex layouts can confuse ATS systems and distract from your content’s clarity.
Being vague: Failing to quantify achievements or provide specific examples of your work makes your contributions less impactful.
Too much information: Including irrelevant job experiences or personal details can dilute the focus. Keep it relevant and concise.
Typos and grammatical errors: These suggest a lack of attention to detail. Always proofread your resume or have someone else review it.
Using passive language: Active verbs create a stronger impression of your achievements and capabilities.
Failing to highlight soft skills: Employers value soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Include examples where you’ve demonstrated these.
Omitting keywords: Many companies use ATSs to screen resumes. Missing relevant keywords means you might not make it to the human review stage.
Listing duties instead of achievements: Focus on what you accomplished in your roles, not just your responsibilities.

By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll enhance the effectiveness of your resume, making it more likely to catch the eye of hiring managers and pass ATS screenings.

What are the best resume formats?

The best resume format depends on your professional background and the job you’re applying for, but here are three widely recognized formats that can guide you:

Chronological: This format lists your work history in reverse-chronological order, starting with your most recent position. It’s great for those with a solid work history and clear career progression.
Functional: Focuses on your skills and experience rather than your job history. This format is beneficial for career changers, those with gaps in employment, or individuals with a strong set of specialized skills.
Combination: As the name suggests, this format blends the chronological and functional styles. It allows you to highlight your skills upfront, followed by your employment history. Ideal for those with significant experience and a few career changes.

When choosing a format, consider what best showcases your strengths and aligns with the employer’s requirements. Each format has its place, and the key is to present your background in a clear, organized, and compelling way that matches your career goals.

How do I format my resume to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATSs)?

Optimizing your resume for the ATS is crucial in today’s job market. Here are key strategies to ensure your resume gets through:

Incorporate keywords: Carefully read the job description and include relevant keywords and phrases in your resume. This ensures the ATS identifies you as a good match.
Use standard section headings: Stick to conventional headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills” to ensure the ATS can easily navigate your resume.
Avoid tables and graphics: Many ATS systems can’t read text embedded in images or tables, so keep your resume in a text-based format. Save your resume as a Word document or PDF: These formats are typically more ATS-friendly than others.
Be specific about your achievements: Quantify your achievements with numbers and facts to make a stronger impact and increase your resume’s relevance.
Use bullet points: They help organize the information to enhance readability and make it easier for both the ATS and hiring managers to scan.
Get past the ATS to the human: Remember, the goal is to make your resume ATS-friendly without sacrificing its appeal to human readers.

By following these tips, you can create a resume that not only passes through ATS systems but also stands out to employers, increasing your chances of landing a job interview.

Should I have multiple versions of my resume?

Absolutely! Having multiple versions of your resume is a smart strategy for several reasons:

Tailoring: Different jobs and industries often prioritize different skills and experiences. Customizing your resume to highlight the most relevant aspects can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed.
Applicant tracking systems (ATSs): Different companies use different keywords to describe similar positions. By adapting your resume to include these keywords, you improve your chances of making it past automated screenings.
Career changes: If you’re considering a shift in your career path, having different resumes focused on different career trajectories can help showcase how your existing skills transfer to new roles.
Professional growth: As you gain more experience, certifications, or complete new projects, you can update relevant versions of your resume to reflect these advancements.
Networking: Sometimes, you might want a version of your resume that’s more suited for informal settings, like networking events, which might focus more on your overall skills and less on specific job roles.

Remember, the goal of multiple resume versions isn’t to misrepresent your experience but to present it in the best light for different opportunities. Each version should be honest, accurate, and tailored to the specific job or industry you’re targeting.

Why is a professional resume review important for your career?

A professional resume review can be a game-changer for your career trajectory for several compelling reasons:

Expert insights: Our service brings an experienced eye to your resume, spotting areas for improvement that you might overlook.
ATS compatibility: We’ll ensure your resume is formatted correctly to pass through applicant tracking systems, increasing your chances of landing an interview. In addition, our ATS test run will show you how resume-screening software will see you as a candidate.
Objective evaluation: It’s easy to become attached to certain achievements or phrasings. A third-party reviewer provides an unbiased perspective on what truly matters to employers.
Competitive edge: In a competitive job market, a professionally reviewed resume can set you apart from other candidates by highlighting your strengths in the most compelling way.
Avoid common mistakes: From typos to formatting issues, we’ll catch common errors that could otherwise lead to your resume being overlooked.
Confidence boost: Knowing your resume has been professionally vetted can give you extra confidence in your job search, knowing you’re presenting yourself in the best possible light.

In essence, a professional resume review is an accelerator for your career, offering insights and advantages that can significantly enhance your job search success.