The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a foundation under public law of the State of Bremen and a research institution in the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF) jointly funded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the states of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Lower Saxony.
The AWI has sites in Bremerhaven, Potsdam, Helgoland, Sylt and Oldenburg.
The AWI currently has an annual budget of around € 225 million and employs around 1,450 people. The AWI operates the German research icebreaker Polarstern, the Neumayer Station III in the Antarctic, polar aircraft, and other research vessels.
In cooperation with numerous national and international partners, the AWI conducts polar, marine, and coastal research using a broad multidisciplinary approach. Thus, it makes important contributions to global climate, environmental, and earth system research.
The AWI is managed by a Directorate, which currently consists of the full-time Scientific Director, the full-time Administrative Director, and three deputies of the Scientific Director.
As of May 1, 2025, the following position is to be filled:
The Scientific Director represents the AWI externally and chairs the Directorate. Their area of responsibility includes, in particular, the scientific development of the institute, research planning and performance review, the positioning of the institute within the Helmholtz Association and the German science system, as well as the cooperation of the institute with universities, research institutions and institutions in the national and international scientific community.
The tasks require a personality with many years of leading experience in research management, an excellent international reputation in natural science research, preferably in the research fields of the AWI, broad scientific expertise that goes beyond their own specialist field, strategic design skills and practical persuasiveness, and the ability to integrate and assert themselves. A willingness to make decisions, high communicative competence, and knowledge of the German language are of great importance. Moreover, experience in planning and implementing international expedition projects is desirable.
The appointment is for five years, and reappointment is possible. The place of employment is Bremerhaven. Remuneration is granted in accordance with the federal W salary scale.
The AWI cooperates closely with the University of Bremen, among others. In connection with the advertised position, a joint appointment to a W3 professorship at the University of Bremen is being sought.
AWI values diversity and is actively committed to gender parity and equal opportunity, as well as an inclusive and open environment. Severely disabled people are given preference if they have the same professional qualifications.
Please send your application with relevant documents by January 23, 2025, to:
Director General Stefan Müller
Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the AWI Foundation
c/o Federal Ministry of Education and Research
53170 Bonn / Germany