Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications. They may also pursue doctoral studies outside of working duties.
Correlated materials exhibit complex free-energy landscapes with competing low-energy states, resulting in intricate phase diagrams and pronounced responses to external stimuli. Driving these systems out of equilibrium using laser pulses provides unique opportunities to probe and control correlation phenomena. In this project, we aim to achieve a theoretical understanding of photo-induced phases in Mott-based quantum materials, using advanced quantum many-body theory (nonequilibrium Green’s function techniques, dynamical mean-field theory, and tensor networks). Our goal is to uncover pathways to induce and stabilize long-lived or even metastable phases that are inaccessible via thermodynamic pathways (hidden states).
The PhD position is embedded in a newly established research unit, OPTIMAL (https://www.for5750.rwth-aachen.de/). The applicant will participate in joint activities with the network of graduate students in the research unit and benefit from access to cutting-edge research facilities and the vibrant academic environment of the Hamburg campus.
A university degree in a relevant field.
Strong record in theoretical condensed matter physics, and expertise in numerical methods for quantum many-body systems as well as programming experience (Python, C++) is preferable.
Universität Hamburg—University of Excellence is one of the strongest research educational institutions in Germany. Our work in research, teaching, educational and knowledge exchange activities is fostering the next generation of responsible global citizens ready to tackle the global challenges facing us. Our guiding principle “Innovating and Cooperating for a Sustainable Future in a digital age” drives collaboration with academic and nonacademic partner institutions in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and around the world. We would like to invite you to be part of our community to work with us in creating sustainable and digital change for a dynamic and pluralist society.
The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg promotes equal opportunity. As women are currently underrepresented in this job category at the University of Hamburg according to the evaluation conducted under the Hamburg act on gender equality (Hamburgisches Gleichstellungsgesetz, HambGleiG), we encourage women to apply for this position. Equally qualified and suitable female applicants will receive preference.
Severely disabled and disabled applicants with the same status will receive preference over equally qualified non-disabled applicants.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Martin Eckstein
Email: martin.eckstein@uni-hamburg.de
Phone: +49 40 42838-5333
Reference number: 46
Location: Notkestraße 9-11, 22607 Hamburg
Application deadline: 21.02.2025
Use only the online application form to submit your application with the following documents:
If you experience technical problems, send an email to bewerbungen@uni-hamburg.de.
More information on data protection in selection procedures.