We want our employees to feel secure – in every aspect. That is why we value stable working relationships, safely equipped workspaces, regular health checks and individual onboarding and development. Financial extras such as and allowances provide additional security.
Further benefits:
We offer an opportunity in EnBW Trading for a senior quantitative modeler with strong background in optimization. The role is in the Analytics Department. With a team of ca. 20 analysts supported by external developers, we provide first class quantitative analysis & commercial services to a wide range of stakeholders. We develop the infrastructure to operate efficiently on scalable platforms and leverage latest technology. Our quantitative work is fueled by data and grounded on sound market knowledge. In Quant Modeling we apply data science approaches and integrate increasingly machine-learning solutions but also maintain and develop traditional financial engineering models.
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Unser Recruitingteam stellt neben der EnBW für weitere Konzerngesellschaften ein. Bei Fragen steht Manuela Wieckenberg | m.wieckenberg@enbw.com gerne zur Verfügung.
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