(*gn=gender neutral)
The Immune-Microbiota Interactions Laboratory in the Department of Translational Rheumatology, Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine at the University of Münster, Germany, is offering a position for a project on the role of the microbiome in autoimmunity at the earliest opportunity, initially limited to 1 year with the possibility of extension to at least 3 years.
Full-time with 38,5 hours (100%)
Salary level according to TV-L E13
The Group and Project:
The Immune-Microbiota Interactions Laboratory investigates the cellular and molecular mechanisms of host-microbiota interactions in immune-mediated diseases. The group explores basic mechanisms of immunologic tolerance and its failure in the context of gut, skin, and other mucosal microbiota. The lab has previously investigated this field at Yale University before relocating to the University of Münster, Germany. The lab has previously identified several pathobionts in autoimmunity (Vieira et al, Science 2018; Greiling et al, Sci Transl Med 2018; Ruff et al, Cell Host Microbe 2019; Zegarra-Ruiz et al, Cell Host Microbe 2019) that are being studied in more depth (Gronke et al, Sci Transl Med, in press) within a global network. Our lab is highly interdisciplinary and uses human tissue, organoid, and murine gnotobiotic approaches coupled with next-generation human microbiome sequencing to identify commensal triggers in autoimmunity and cancer. Techniques span a broad range from immunology, cell and molecular biology to microbiology including gnotobiotics, organoids, cell-bacteria-co-culturing, measurement of epithelial barrier integrity (TEER), qPCR, bacteria mutants, anaerobic cultivation, strain isolation and identification.
Your requirements:
What we offer:
The Immune-Microbiota Interactions Laboratory is affiliated with the Section of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at the University Hospital of Münster and the Institute of Experimental Musculoskeletal Medicine. It is located adjacent to the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine and partly housed in the Center for Molecular Biology of Inflammation. For more information about the group see here.
For more information please contact: Dr. Sylvio Redanz, T 0251 83 52987.
We look forward to receiving your application via our application form (“Jetzt bewerben” „Apply now“) until 11.12.2024.
The University Hospital of Münster is one of the leading hospitals in Germany. Such a position cannot be achieved by size and medical successes alone. The individual commitment counts above all. We need your commitment so that even with little things we can achieve great things for our patients. There are many possibilities open for you so that you may develop with them.
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