Reference Number: 10358
Fixed-term of 3.5 years starting in April | Part-time with 65% | Salary according to TV-L E13 | Institute of Virology
We are UKM. We have a clear social mission and, with our focus on healthcare, research, and teaching, we bear a unique responsibility.
To meet our high standards every day, we are looking forward to your scientific expertise at the Institute of Virology – ideally with you on board!
Respiratory viruses still represent a major health threat worldwide. Our antiviral arsenal to fight these pathogens is quite limited due to the rapid development of resistance to currently available drugs. Our work at the Institute of Virology focuses on the identification and characterization of new targets for antiviral intervention. The successful applicant will work in the research group of Dr. Yvonne Börgeling and apply novel and classical techniques from the fields of virology (involves S3 work), molecular biology, electrophysiology, and biochemistry to gain a deeper understanding of viral ion channel function and pathophysiology.
A broad education and training in the RTG ChemBion. Thirteen scientists of the University of Münster have teamed up with their complementary expertise to study the chemical biology of ion channels. We tackle questions in the field of ion channels with innovative structural and chemical methods, interconnecting chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine, and foster the internationalization of young researchers.
For inquiries, please contact: Dr. Yvonne Börgeling, T 0251 83-53010
Apply now via our career portal until 19.03.2025, including a CV, a letter of motivation, certificates, and a letter of recommendation or contact details of two references.