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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) Invites Applications For The Following Positions In The Research Training Group 2806 “Literature And The Public Sphere In Differentiated Contemporary Cultures”, Funded By The German Research Foundation.
Doctoral Positions in the GRF-funded Research Training Group “Literature and the Public Sphere in Differentiated Contemporary Cultures” (m/f/d) (65%, E-13 TV-L)
The interdisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG) aims to analyze contemporary literatures since 1945 in different public and cultural contexts. It examines the conditions that enable and influence different literatures in the public sphere, thereby focusing on their cultural specificities, potentials and functions. It uses a broad concept of literature, including the digitalization of society and its consequences, socio-cultural political and economic contexts, (inter-)mediality and media competition, institutional conditions, the literary industry and literary life as objects of enquiry.
The RTG considers literatures from different cultural contexts and language areas, including ‘small literatures’ and minority cultures on different continents. Accordingly, it investigates the interactions between literatures and public spheres in a differentiated manner. Adopting a comparative and transnational perspective, the RTG takes into account digital, praxeological, cultural studies and philological methods and supports research projects from social, media, material, ethical or economic studies.
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11 doctoral positions are available. An extension of the doctoral positions by 6 months is possible.
For more information on the qualification concept and the researchers involved in the RTG, please visit: For content-related questions please contact the two speakers of the RTG: and For organizational matters please reach out to the coordinators:
Please Submit The Following Documents With Your Application
Application Process
Für alle Stellenausschreibungen gilt: Die Friedrich-Alexander-Universität fördert die berufliche Gleichstellung der Frauen. Frauen werden deshalb ausdrücklich aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderte im Sinne des Schwerbehindertengesetzes werden bei gleicher fachlicher Qualifikation und persönlicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt, wenn die ausgeschriebene Stelle sich für Schwerbehinderte eignet. Details dazu finden Sie in der jeweiligen Ausschreibung unter dem Punkt "Bemerkungen".
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Ausgeschriebene Stellen sind grundsätzlich teilzeitfähig, es sei denn, im Ausschreibungstext erfolgt ein anderweitiger Hinweis.
Release date: 01.01.2025, Poster View
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Application deadline: 01.05.2025
Title: Doctoral Positions in the GRF-Funded Research Training Group "Literature and the Public Sphere in Differentiated Contemporary Cultures" (m/f/d)
Job start date: 01.10.2025
Location: Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie
Universitätsstraße 40
91054 Erlangen
Payment: TV-L E 13
Working time: Teilzeit
Weekly working hours: by agreement
Limitation: Befristete Anstellung: 36 Monate
Contact: Birgit Umbreit