The Algonquin Regiment Canadian Army Reserve-Material Management Technician

Sé de los primeros solicitantes.
CLP 5.000.000 - 20.000.000
Sé de los primeros solicitantes.
Descripción del empleo

The Algonquin Regiment Canadian Army Reserve - Material Management Technician

Materiel Management Technicians ensure that all of the supplies and services necessary for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) operations are available when and where they are required. They handle a variety of items such as food, fuel, heavy machinery, stationery, and clothing.

The primary responsibilities of Materiel Management Technicians are to:

  1. Manage the purchasing, warehousing, shipping, receiving, and stock control.
  2. Receive, handle, and prepare items for shipment.
  3. Process invoices and prepare shipping documents.
  4. Order material from internal and external sources and purchase supplies.
  5. Deliver supplies and provide services to operational units.
  6. Perform recordkeeping, stocktaking, and inventory control.
  7. Maintain accounting and financial records.


  • The minimum required education to apply for this position is the completion of the provincial requirements for Grade 10.
  • Training: Basic Training for 5 weeks followed by attending the Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre in Borden, Ontario. Training takes approximately 70 days.
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