Carry out assigned routine and preventive maintenance, including replacing worn or damaged parts and arranging for test runs as necessary to ensure safe operations.
Carry out major overhaul of equipment, check clearances precisely and determine the usage/replacement of parts for continuous equipment availability.
Participate in the diagnosis of faults of a more complex nature. Inspect and test completed work to ensure equipment efficient performance in accordance with requirements.
Verify and issue comprehensive daily activity reports outlining the cause of the fault, the nature of the work, and the materials, labour, and time taken to complete the task to ensure that the job is performed as per requirement.
Identify and obtain spare parts and the necessary tools to meet maintenance requirements.
Carry out new installations, modification and testing of equipment through various stages as per plan and in line with supervisor’s instructions and check adherence to all parameters.
Identify areas for improvement in the activities performed and assist the concerned personnel to carry out modifications and improvements to the system.
Complete necessary records in the system to provide work order failure history reporting. Provide input for the preparation of Method statements and initiate Near miss reports.
Update and maintain drawings, records, and other documents related to the mechanical maintenance for continuous availability.
Diploma (2 / 3 years) in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.
5 years of experience in maintenance of plant equipment, preferably in the oil and gas industry.
* Der Gehaltsbenchmark wird auf Basis der Zielgehälter bei führenden Unternehmen in der jeweiligen Branche ermittelt und dient Premium-Nutzer:innen als Richtlinie zur Bewertung offener Positionen und als Orientierungshilfe bei Gehaltsverhandlungen. Der Gehaltsbenchmark wird nicht direkt vom Unternehmen angegeben. Er kann deutlich über bzw. unter diesem Wert liegen.