Salary / Fee: From £28,000 to £30,000 The budget for the Development Phase of this Project is £30,000 including VAT.The indicative budget for the Delivery Phase of this Project is £52,500 including VAT and excluding inflation.
Job Type: Freelance This will be a two-part contract:Part I is the Development Phase leading to an assessment by the Heritage Fund.There is then expected to be about a four month pause for the assessment before the Delivery Phase can start.The contract will include a break clause at the end of the Development Phase.
Closing Date:7/1/25
Link / Contact details to apply
If you would like an application pack containing further details please let us know by emailing . The Closing date for applications is noon on 7 January 2025. Please note that we will wish to interview shortlisted candidates on either the 20 th or 21 st January 2025 in person.
Holy Trinity Church (aka Kendal Parish Church) are seeking a Freelance Project Manager with experience of projects funded through The National Lottery Heritage Fund to manage part of our exciting project; Kendal Parish Church and Town 1,000 years of Shared History.
Kendal Parish Church (officially Holy Trinity Church Kendal) is one of the largest Parish Churches in England and has a history going back over 1,000 years. Our project will deliver:
urgent repairs to our building – project managed separately by a Conservation Architect;
an inspirational and inter-connected programme of activities and interpretation accessible to all about the relationship between the church and town for over 1,000 years – project managed by this commission.
During the Development Phase the Project Manager will assist our Project Board to appoint, and then manage the work of:
and write a submission to the Heritage Fund to obtain approval for the Delivery Stage.
During the Delivery Stage the Project Manager will: