Labour Relations Consultant at Financial Intelligence Centre
Financial Intelligence Centre
ZAR 300 000 - 400 000
Job description
Provide labour relations advisory and facilitation services to internal stakeholders to enable sound employment relations.
Advise managers and employees on labour relations matters
Maintain organised labour consultative structures
Facilitate internal dispute resolution measures, grievances, and disciplinary processes
Sustain relationships with key stakeholders i.e. shop stewards and other union representatives, to ensure employment relations stability through addressing identified issues speedily and in an amicable manner
Ensure constant monitoring of the Recognition Agreement and/or any other agreements that the FIC enters into with organised labour
Provide support to the negotiations team by coordinating the bargaining process
Represent the FIC at relevant external forums such as the CCMA
Develop and implement measures to promote sound employment relations
Develop, implement, maintain and monitor labour relations policies
Empower management and staff on labour relations matters
Facilitate the FIC's compliant with employment laws
Keep abreast of changes and development in the labour labour relations environment
Facilitate the implementation of the FIC's Transformation initiatives, including, but not limited to, employment equity and other transformation related deliverables
Review and maintain HR governance framework and ensure alignment to employment laws, e.g, hr policies etc.
Education, Skills And Experience
Bachelor's degree in HR / Labour Relations or equivalent
+5 years' experience in labour relations field.
+5 years' experience in collective bargaining matters, and conflict resolution.
Demonstrated facilitation and interpersonal skills
Demonstrated knowledge of employment and labour laws
Knowledge of and ability to interpret Human Resources Management framework with specific reference to labour relations
Knowledge and skills regarding processes of policy research, analysis and development
Knowledge and skills in strategic and project planning and management