All Creditors invoices are to be checked to ensure that all VAT criteria are met, and corrected if necessary by the supplier before being processed.
All Creditors reconciliations allocated to you are to be totally free of any reconciling items.
If on the off chance there is a reconciling item, it is to be resolved speedily within the first week of the month to a maximum of within the month.
Transaction listings must be received weekly and all outstanding invoices and credit notes resolved immediately.
Unmatched transactions to be NIL.
All Creditors Statements to be requested and received by latest the first week of the following month.
All Creditors Reconciliations are to be completed by two and a half weeks into the new month.
All Creditors Reconciliations and second hand schedules to be loaded on Sales force by the end of the third week, to enable Head Office to approve and payments to be made in the last two days of the month, to maximize the benefit of Creditors discounts.
The Creditors Payment list is to be drawn up at the end of the third week, and Finance notified of the Creditors not paid in the current month.
The prior months (A79) schedule is to be updated weekly and readily available for the Directors Forecast at week 3.