Green Powered Technology (GPTech) is a global sustainable energy and infrastructure consulting firm passionate about engineering and energizing a sustainable future. We are a close-knit team of highly qualified technical and development professionals dedicated to making a lasting impact for realizing a sustainable future.
Providing comprehensive services for the entire project lifecycle, we deliver solutions to help clients save money, enhance operations, protect the environment, and achieve sustainable impacts. We are a trusted partner for delivering sustainable solutions through ongoing engagement and continuous improvement. GPTech is a signatory to the Global Compact and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with an emphasis on providing technical support in the areas of Affordable and Clean Energy; Climate Action; Sustainable Cities and Communities; Clean Water and Sanitation; and Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.
As a small business, we are proud of our big results. After just 14 years in business, GPTech has successfully supported more than 100 projects for over 30 clients in over 75 countries, with no sign of slowing down. Today, we are one of the world’s leaders in employing innovative energy and engineering solutions to sustainably manage the earth’s resources and meet societal needs. Visit for more information.
GPTech seeks a skilled Copywriter to draft the 2024–2025 Annual Report for Power Africa under GPTech’s contract with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This report will highlight Power Africa’s achievements, challenges, and impact over that past year, promoting transparency and accountability to a broad audience. The copywriter will collaborate with our communications team, led by the Chief of Party (Lois Moodley), to ensure that the report aligns with our strategic objectives and maintains a professional, consistent tone.
This is a consultant position