The Chief Security Analyst (East) is the senior dedicated security Information & Analysis (I&A) leader responsible for directing and leading the security I&A team based in Asia. They will oversee the delivery of market-leading, audience-centric security I&A content, leveraging Global Threat Monitoring Centres for high-priority threat to life alerts and the Lead Analysts for North Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia as well as Security Managers in Manila and Bangkok for long-term forecasting and analysis. They will collaborate with the Security Director, Assistance Asia to ensure assessments also inform internal operational planning and decision-making in both business-as-usual and crisis scenarios.
The Chief Security Analyst (East) will collaborate with the Security Director I&A and Assistance in Sydney to ensure situational awareness of high-priority threat to life security incidents globally during Sydney's Global Threat Monitoring Centre operating hours, and effectively handing over with London's Global Threat Monitoring Centre. Equally, the Chief Security Analyst (East) will ensure client and internal awareness of security events in Australia, New Zealand and Pacific and the corresponding outlook and advice by guiding the relevant Lead Security Analyst.
Beyond the regional remit, the Chief Security Analyst (East) will deliver I&A on key global issues, ensuring consistency of analysis and overall quality of delivery in collaboration with the Chief Security Analyst (West). The Chief Security Analyst (East) will have an interface with Security Director I&A in Dubai and the Senior Travel Risk Manager China to ensure the appropriate depth and breadth of coverage of client-centric security issues in the full eastern hemisphere region.
The Chief Security Analyst (East) oversees and manages key components of the company's I&A capability to ensure continuous improvement and development in line with the Group's strategic ambitions. This will include training security professionals in the eastern hemisphere; building best-in-class security analysis trainings and guidance briefings for junior and senior staff; owning, updating, maintaining, creating and disseminating security I&A Standard Operating Procedures; the implementation and continuous improvement of relevant global security I&A processes, as well as collaborating closely with the multimedia and editorial teams focused on providing a world-class, digital-first, audience-centric content proposition.
The Chief Security Analyst (East) closely collaborates with the relevant Content Services Business Unit leadership personnel from the Medical I&A, Content Operations, Research, Multimedia & Editorial teams, in both crisis and business as usual phases, ensuring the highest standards of security I&A service delivery. They will also support commercial engagements, including as an informed speaker for marketing and media opportunities, and support bespoke client consulting or managed service opportunities when possible.
Key Responsibilities
Core Client & Internal Support