We are hiringMachine Shop Foremanfor leading Management Company in Saudi Arabia.
Authorized to perform the following activities: Milling of Test Samples, HIC Testing, Power Saw Cutting, Turning of Round Specimen, Surface Grinding, Gas Cutting, Macro/Micro Sample Preparation, Polishing Techniques, Notch Broaching, Specimen Dimensional Control Machine Maintenance and Etching Techniques for Macro/Micro Examination.
Conducts machining of test samples as per drawing instructions from physical testing technician using suitable machineries and instruments.
Assist and guide subordinates in performing their job particularly newly hired machinists.
Studies drawings, manuals, or sample part to determine dimensions and tolerance of finished work-piece, sequence of operations, and set up requirements.
Measures, marks, and scribes dimensions and reference points on material or work-piece as guides for subsequent machining.
Selects, aligns, and secures holding fixtures, cutting tools, attachments, accessories, and materials on machines such as mills, lathes, jig borers, grinders, and shapers.
Calculates and sets controls to regulate machining factors such as speed, feed, coolant flow, and depth and angle of cut, or enters commands to retrieve, input, or edit computerized machine control media.
Perform regular maintenance of machines in the machine shop and the Physical Testing Section.
Participates in internal and other audits in the lab.
Perform other activities related to machine shop as per defined latest ADM-FRM-117-Authorization Matrix.
Starts and observes machine operation to detect malfunctions or out-of-tolerance machining, and adjusts machine controls or control media as required.
Verifies conformance of finished work piece to specifications.
Sets up and operates machine on trial run to verify accuracy of machine settings or programmed control data.
Fits and assembles parts into complete assembly.
Verifies dimensions and alignment of assembly.
Installs machined replacement parts in mechanisms, machines, and equipment, and tests operation of unit to ensure functionality and performance.
Operates gas cutting equipment to section test specimens.
Directly reporting to Physical & Metallurgy Supervisor on a daily basis.
Salary - SAR 8000 per month
Interested candidates may kindly send their resumes to techncial@dewanconsultants.com or contact +91 22 42146708.