Why PwC
Established in the region for over 40 years, PwC Middle East employs over 6,000 people across 12 countries: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Palestine and the United Arab Emirates. Complementing our depth of industry expertise and breadth of skills is our sound knowledge of local business environments across the Middle East region. Our tailored solutions help our clients meet the challenges and opportunities of doing business in the Middle East market, and beyond.
BU Description
PwC is a global professional services firm that provides a range of Finance & Accounting consulting services to clients in various industries. Some of the finance & accounting consulting services that PwC offers include Accounting Advisory, Finance Transformation, Economics & Sustainability, AL&V, Government Reporting, and shift SAP. The services that PwC provides are designed to help clients improve their financial performance, manage risk, and meet regulatory requirements.
PwC’s Accounting Advisory business unit provides clients with practical solutions to accounting and financial reporting challenges. The team of experts advises clients on a range of complex accounting issues, including implementing new accounting standards, accounting for business transactions, and providing support on regulatory compliance. The unit helps clients navigate through complex accounting requirements by providing in-depth technical knowledge and understanding of financial reporting standards. The team works closely with clients to help them make informed business decisions and optimize their financial performance. PwC’s Accounting Advisory professionals possess a combination of technical accounting skills, business acumen, and industry knowledge, making them trusted advisors to clients across a range of industries.
The role sits within a rapidly growing part of the CMAAS team. You will have access to all of the latest training and development tools and the support of the wider PwC network. You will be part of the product leadership team and will be provided with the opportunity to contribute in our medium to long term strategy.
As a Senior Manager, you will be required to be part of the product leadership team in building a long term vision and strategy to continue growing the business.