Blue School is an innovative early childhood centre located in Greytown, South Wairarapa, offering a unique learning environment for tamariki 3–6 years. We deliver the very best, internationally researched programmes, tailored to our local curriculum, all within a stunning environment.
We are excited to offer an opportunity for an experienced leader and registered teacher to join our Blue School team.
Our Blue School position is open to a committed and passionate leader, who will take an instrumental role in leading a team of quality teachers to deliver exceptional care and education for all our tamariki. They will play an integral part in decision making and the strategic and future direction of Blue School.
The following skills, knowledge and capabilities are ideally required for this position:
This position offers flexible working hours and conditions, a competitive salary and relocation support.
Applicants must be a NZ citizen or hold a valid NZ work visa.
Please send your CV, and direct enquiries to:
Type: Education & Care Service
Maximum licensed places: 40
Physical address:
23-25 Wood Street, Greytown
Postal Address:
23-25 Wood Street, Greytown 5712