Preparation of chemicals/materials and equipment based on lab manual/handbook.
Assist lecturers and students during practical classes, including student’s final year project, mini project, or research project preparations.
Ensure students wear personal protective equipment in the lab.
Ensure the chemicals/equipment are adequate and clean/safe to use. Liaise with the procurement department for the purchase of chemicals and laboratory items.
Perform tasks in accordance with laboratory safety rules.
Ensure laboratories are clean and safe for users.
Responsible for the management of laboratory matters.
Update/maintain the availability of teaching resources for current & upcoming semesters.
Manage laboratory equipment and apparatus in good condition.
Keep the laboratory safe and hygienic.
Update inventory of laboratory chemicals/materials/apparatus/equipment/assets.
Update the latest Laboratory manual and Laboratory SOP from time to time.
Accomplish submissions before deadlines for accreditation, certification, and renewal of academic programs.
Perform other asset maintenance-related duties as required by the department, faculty, and IUKL.
Carry any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Dean, HOP, or representatives from time to time.