A&P management towards advertising efforts, with emphasis on optimization initiatives to drive sales lead.
Responsible for all aspect of M&S A&P management & other OPEX inclusive of budget management, payment processing and vendor payment management.
To support Manager A&P Investment in monitoring A&P & other OPEX implementation.
Job Responsibilities
Determining M&S budget capacities, calculating its constraints, and planning budget strategies.
To analyze the A&P & Other OPEX budget and look for ways to use resources more efficiently to optimize the spending.
Identify budget issues that need to be addressed, notify management, and then make recommendations for new budgeting strategies.
Analyses spending trends and explain using spreadsheets and graphic illustrations for better reporting, insights and learning for M&S.
Responsible to process purchase order (PO) inclusive of checking on the document completeness for ANP Funnel 1 & 2 & other OPEX.
To perform good receipt note (GRN) in system once received complete document from Project Owner for ANP Funnel 1 & 2 & other OPEX.
To submit manual invoice processing inclusive of checking on the document completeness for ANP Funnel 1 & 2 & other OPEX.
Job Responsibilities (Con't)
To submit GL processing inclusive of checking on the document completeness for ANP Funnel 1 & 2 & other OPEX i.e.: Accrual, reclass, amortization, & reversal.
To assist vendor on the vendor related issue i.e.: Vendor Portal issue, registration issue, documentation issue, & invoice rejection issue.
To ensure A&P & Other OPEX spending updated in Master Tracking in timely manner.
To assist Manager A&P Investment in monitoring compliance & governance for budget spending in M&S.
Establish and maintain business relations between internal and external to ensure common understanding of A&P budget operation.
To assist M&S Department on the procurement operation activity & A&P budget management i.e.: PO issue, invoice rejection issue, GRN issue, payment monitoring status, budget status, & budget balances.