Assisting and advising the various Construction Superintendents in the safe operation of all construction activities to remove the risk of accidents, incidents, and near misses on Customer construction and production sites.
Ensure compliance with Customer Safety Policies and Procedures as well as Local Legislation regarding HSE Regulations related to Construction and Fire Safety.
Carrying out scheduled audits of the Managing Contractor’s HSE policies, procedures, and performance.
Participating with the Managing Contractor on scheduled HSE audits of the construction contractors.
Interfacing with Customer HSE personnel in the field regularly to review and discuss performance, coordinate activities, etc.
Interfacing with the construction team members responsible for permitting, QA/QC, and construction daily to ensure that the construction contractor(s) are performing to the HSE requirements.
Planning ahead with these individuals to anticipate and avoid problems.
Working with the Management Contractor on programs to improve the construction contractor’s practices with respect to HSE.
Overseeing and supporting all construction contractor programs related to HSE training of personnel, safety induction, toolbox meetings, and safety programs.
Assisting in risk assessments and preparation of method statements for construction activities.
Assisting in the investigation of all accidents, incidents, and near misses, maintaining a log of these investigations, and ensuring reports are issued internally.
Planning and executing field drills in conjunction with Customer HSE and Managing Contractor to ensure that all construction personnel are familiar with the emergency procedures.
Participating in HSE meetings related to construction held with Customer, the Managing Contractor, and their Subcontractors.
Assisting with the preparation of the Contractor Monthly Report on safety statistics.
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