Call for consultancy : Evaluation of the Project “Local to Global Action for Climate Justice, P[...]

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Lutheran World Federation
EUR 30.000 - 70.000
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The Lutheran World Federation

Department for Theology, Mission and Justice (DTMJ)

Evaluation of the Project “Local to Global Action for Climate Justice, Phase 1”

Terms of Reference (ToR)


Climate justice advocacy and policy engagement is a key priority in the current Strategy of the Lutheran World Federation (2025-2031), just like it was in the previous strategy. The LWF has engaged with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for more than ten years as observer, contributor and participant in climate negotiations and other processes. Its longstanding commitment to climate justice focuses on building resilience, climate adaptation and mitigation, as well as supporting communities affected by climate change impacts and undertaking advocacy from local to global levels.

The Action for Justice- AfJ Unit is the advocacy hub of the LWF and accompanies member churches, World Service Country Programs, and collaborates closely with ecumenical and faith-based organizations, civil society, as well as communities affected by climate impacts. The LWF advocacy methodology is essential to accelerate actions needed to set up a pathway for a sustainable and resilient society and economy where we protect the environment as the foundation for all life.

Local to Global Action for Climate Justice is a global project in 18 countries that includes:

  1. Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, South Africa, Ghana;
  2. Asia and Pacific: Philippines, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea;
  3. Latin America and the Caribbean: Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, El Salvador, and Cuba.

The overall goal of the project is to accelerate climate action from local to global by boosting the global commitment to the Paris Agreement. The objectives of the project are:

  1. Churches and faith-based organizations (FBOs) in the project countries have increased their engagement for climate justice.
  2. By the end of the project, churches, FBOs and partner civil society actors in the project countries have effectively influenced national and regional policymakers for ambitious national and regional climate policies.
  3. National religious leaders, churches, and faith-based actors actively contribute to climate justice advocacy in international forums.

Target groups for the project include churches, faith-based leaders, and faith-based organizations, their congregations, and the communities where they live and indirectly, local, district and National Government officials and policy makers. The project also targets and influences interfaith and civil society actors from local to global levels. LWF member churches in 18 focus countries represent more than 31 million people according to the LWF 2019 membership figures and engage with many more in their diverse communities.

A particular focus is placed on youth, women, and vulnerable people most impacted by climate change. The project aims for equal participation of women and men when possible and when not, at least will ensure 40% participation whether male or female.

Key stakeholders in civil society such as environmental and climate justice organizations are important allies and critical to the reach and impact of the project, as are academia and the scientific community to ensure science-based actions are taken and evidence-based advocacy is employed for effective influencing and results.

Purpose and objective of the evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, sustainability, relevance and impact of the project in accordance with the OECD DAC criteria. In addition, the evaluation will provide recommendations for the second phase of the project, while documenting good practices and lessons learned.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are to:

  1. Provide a comprehensive assessment of the project's strengths, weaknesses, effectiveness and potential for impact and sustainability.
  2. Formulate specific, actionable recommendations for the next phase of the project to enhance its effectiveness and impact.
  3. Document relevant good practices, challenges and lessons learned to support knowledge sharing and continuous improvement.

Evaluation questions


  1. How successful have churches, FBOs and partner organizations been in increasing their engagement in climate justice initiatives?
  2. To what extent have faith-based actors influenced national and regional climate policies, laws, and/practice?
  3. How have national religious leaders, churches, and faith-based actors contributed to climate justice advocacy in international foras?
  4. Which success factors or challenges have played a role for the achievement of the project objectives?


  1. To what extent has the project contributed to accelerating climate action from local to global levels, and how has it strengthened global commitment to the Paris Agreement?
  2. What positive or negative unintended outcomes have resulted from the implementation of the project?


  1. How well does the project align with the climate justice priorities of churches, faith-based organizations and civil society actors in the participating countries?


  1. How relevant are the project's strategies and its international setup for influencing climate policy at local, national and global levels?

Stakeholder engagement

  1. How effectively has the project engaged key stakeholders, including churches, religious leaders, interfaith and civil society actors, and academia?
  2. What has been the role of youth, women and vulnerable communities in the project and how has their participation influenced its outcomes?


  1. To what extent is the involvement of churches and FBOs in climate justice advocacy at national, regional and international levels likely to be sustained beyond the project period?
  2. What mechanisms or strategies could the LWF put in place to enhance the medium/long term sustainability of the project?


  1. To what extent has the use of resources been adequate in relation to the implemented activities and achievements?

Evaluation design/methods


The evaluation should focus on the activities of the Local to Global Action for Climate Justice project implemented between July 2022 - June 2025. The evaluation will focus on a few selected countries for in-depth analysis (e.g. through in-depth interviews), while looking at the performance of the overall project in all countries at a more general level (e.g. through document review and/or a survey). The evaluation will address the evaluation objectives (item 2) and answer the evaluation questions (item 3).

Data availability

Available written data sources for the project include:

  1. The binding project proposal
  2. Semi-annual narrative and financial reports (donor reports)
  3. Baseline study
  4. Audit reports
  5. Publications
  6. Materials


The evaluation methodology chosen should:

  1. Align with the OECD-DAC Quality Standards for Development Evaluation to ensure a participatory, credible, gender-sensitive and fair evaluation.
  2. Engage diverse stakeholder groups, particularly youth and women, to ensure that their voices are heard and reflected in the findings.
  3. Use primarily qualitative methods, including interviews and focus group discussions with different stakeholder groups.
  4. Where appropriate, utilize story-telling and testimonials of key stakeholders in the project.
  5. Consider quantitative data where appropriate to measure levels of engagement, policy impact and project reach.
  6. Use a mix of methods, including triangulation, i.e. validating data by cross-checking with different independent sources.

Data collection is likely to be mostly remote.

Expected deliverables

The evaluation will produce the following deliverables:

  1. Inception report: The Consultant will prepare a draft inception report to operationalize and direct the evaluation. The inception report will describe how the evaluation will be carried out, describe the overall design, the methodologies to be applied and the draft data collection tools, the proposed detailed timeline, bringing refinements, specificity and elaboration to the terms of reference. LWF and BftW will provide comments on the draft inception report, which the Consultant shall take into account in finalizing the document.
  2. Draft evaluation report: The Consultant will prepare a draft evaluation report, including a description of the purpose, methodology and limitations of the evaluation, the evaluation findings, conclusions, recommendations, good practices and lessons learned.
  3. Final report: After receiving the comments from LWF and BftW, the consultant will finalize the evaluation report (max. 30 pages with an executive summary).

These deliverables are to be:

  1. Prepared in American English.
  2. Submitted to the LWF Program Executive for Climate Justice electronically via e-mail.

Suggested time frame and period of the assignment

The total estimated number of working days is approximately 25 days between April – May 2025.

Draft Inception report: A draft inception report will be submitted within one (1) week of the contract signature.

Final Inception Report: Within one (1) week of receiving the comments from LWF on the draft inception report, the Consultant will produce a final inception report.

Draft Evaluation Report: The Consultant will submit a draft evaluation report for review by LWF by 01.05.2025 the latest.

Final Evaluation Report: Within one (1) week of receiving LWF’s comments on the draft report, the Consultant will submit a final evaluation report, including an executive summary and any relevant annexes.

Qualifications and Experience of the consultant(s)

University Degree in international development, evaluation or other relevant area;

Proven track record of conducting evaluations of international development programs, including programs implemented in different geographical regions;

Proven experience in climate justice related work.

Proven track record of conducting similar work.

Proven experience in using participatory and qualitative research methodologies;

Excellent skills in communication and report writing in English language; knowledge of Spanish would be an advantage. Experience in working with faith-based organizations;

Knowledge of LWF and the ACT Alliance members is an advantage.

Content of the consultant’s offer

Interested candidates who fulfill the above qualifications shall submit the following:

  1. A technical and financial offer according to the present terms of reference;
  2. The technical offer shall contain a summary presentation of the proposed approach, the suggested methodology to be used, a proposed template for elaboration and analysis of good practices.
  3. The financial offer shall contain the costs for honorarium (including taxes) based on a daily rate as well as any other costs. The technical offer will include a proposed number of consultancy days needed to provide the expected deliverables within the timeframe mentioned above.
  4. CV(s) of all consultants involved.
  5. A written sample of previous similar work.

Offers shall be submitted under the subject: “Local to Global Action for Climate Justice” to: no later than April 4, 2025.

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