The Lutheran World Federation
Department for Theology, Mission and Justice (DTMJ)
Evaluation of the Project “Local to Global Action for Climate Justice, Phase 1”
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Climate justice advocacy and policy engagement is a key priority in the current Strategy of the Lutheran World Federation (2025-2031), just like it was in the previous strategy. The LWF has engaged with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for more than ten years as observer, contributor and participant in climate negotiations and other processes. Its longstanding commitment to climate justice focuses on building resilience, climate adaptation and mitigation, as well as supporting communities affected by climate change impacts and undertaking advocacy from local to global levels.
The Action for Justice- AfJ Unit is the advocacy hub of the LWF and accompanies member churches, World Service Country Programs, and collaborates closely with ecumenical and faith-based organizations, civil society, as well as communities affected by climate impacts. The LWF advocacy methodology is essential to accelerate actions needed to set up a pathway for a sustainable and resilient society and economy where we protect the environment as the foundation for all life.
Local to Global Action for Climate Justice is a global project in 18 countries that includes:
The overall goal of the project is to accelerate climate action from local to global by boosting the global commitment to the Paris Agreement. The objectives of the project are:
Target groups for the project include churches, faith-based leaders, and faith-based organizations, their congregations, and the communities where they live and indirectly, local, district and National Government officials and policy makers. The project also targets and influences interfaith and civil society actors from local to global levels. LWF member churches in 18 focus countries represent more than 31 million people according to the LWF 2019 membership figures and engage with many more in their diverse communities.
A particular focus is placed on youth, women, and vulnerable people most impacted by climate change. The project aims for equal participation of women and men when possible and when not, at least will ensure 40% participation whether male or female.
Key stakeholders in civil society such as environmental and climate justice organizations are important allies and critical to the reach and impact of the project, as are academia and the scientific community to ensure science-based actions are taken and evidence-based advocacy is employed for effective influencing and results.
Purpose and objective of the evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness, coherence, efficiency, sustainability, relevance and impact of the project in accordance with the OECD DAC criteria. In addition, the evaluation will provide recommendations for the second phase of the project, while documenting good practices and lessons learned.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are to:
Evaluation questions
Stakeholder engagement
Evaluation design/methods
The evaluation should focus on the activities of the Local to Global Action for Climate Justice project implemented between July 2022 - June 2025. The evaluation will focus on a few selected countries for in-depth analysis (e.g. through in-depth interviews), while looking at the performance of the overall project in all countries at a more general level (e.g. through document review and/or a survey). The evaluation will address the evaluation objectives (item 2) and answer the evaluation questions (item 3).
Data availability
Available written data sources for the project include:
The evaluation methodology chosen should:
Data collection is likely to be mostly remote.
Expected deliverables
The evaluation will produce the following deliverables:
These deliverables are to be:
Suggested time frame and period of the assignment
The total estimated number of working days is approximately 25 days between April – May 2025.
Draft Inception report: A draft inception report will be submitted within one (1) week of the contract signature.
Final Inception Report: Within one (1) week of receiving the comments from LWF on the draft inception report, the Consultant will produce a final inception report.
Draft Evaluation Report: The Consultant will submit a draft evaluation report for review by LWF by 01.05.2025 the latest.
Final Evaluation Report: Within one (1) week of receiving LWF’s comments on the draft report, the Consultant will submit a final evaluation report, including an executive summary and any relevant annexes.
Qualifications and Experience of the consultant(s)
University Degree in international development, evaluation or other relevant area;
Proven track record of conducting evaluations of international development programs, including programs implemented in different geographical regions;
Proven experience in climate justice related work.
Proven track record of conducting similar work.
Proven experience in using participatory and qualitative research methodologies;
Excellent skills in communication and report writing in English language; knowledge of Spanish would be an advantage. Experience in working with faith-based organizations;
Knowledge of LWF and the ACT Alliance members is an advantage.
Content of the consultant’s offer
Interested candidates who fulfill the above qualifications shall submit the following:
Offers shall be submitted under the subject: “Local to Global Action for Climate Justice” to: no later than April 4, 2025.