- Usia Min: 23
- Usia Max: 39
- Pendidikan: SMK Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Teknik Otomotif, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Alat Berat
- Keahlian Khusus:
- Menguasai teknik pengoperasian dump truck tipe Mercedes-Benz 4040/4043 atau 2528 sesuai prosedur kerja standar
- Mengetahui dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip keselamatan kerja di area operasional
- Pengalaman Kerja: 2 - 3 Tahun
PT PUTRA PERKASA ABADI was founded in 2002, specializing in heavy equipment rental & mining services. With more than 7000 highly dedicated employees and more than 1500 units of heavy equipment in operation, PPA is one of the fastest growing companies in Indonesia.
Please be aware of fraud or false information regarding PPA's recruitment process. We never instruct applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to make transportation and accommodation arrangements during the recruitment process.