Combiphar has continued to touch the lives of the Indonesian people. Today, more individuals and families are feeling the benefits from Combiphar’s products and healthy lifestyle education. Combiphar produces and distributes more than 80 affordable prescription and over-the-counter drugs to its consumers, including OBH Combi cough syrup and Insto eye drops. The various brands of medication produced and marketed by Combiphar contribute an important role in their respective categories.
Combiphar started international business in 2016 with Eye Mo in The Philippines. Currently, Combiphar has a presence in Asia including the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Brunei Darussalam, Macau, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Fiji Islands, and South Korea. We are also present in UAE, Oman, Maldives, Kenya, Somalia, and Niger. In the future, Combiphar will continue to expand in the international market.
Recently, COMBIPHAR Group expanded its portfolio in OTC, Pharma, and Wellness by acquiring some brands and companies with product market leader brands, such as INSTO & EYEMO (eye drops), Jamu Air Mancur product (herbal & Wellness), MADURASA (honey supplement), and SIMBA (healthy cereal snack).
COMBIPHAR group includes: