help us protect the world’s largest marine reserve
In 2010, the UK Government created the world’s largest marine reserve around the Chagos Islands in the British Indian Ocean Territory. This will save an entire oceanic ecosystem, help to restore fish stocks and regional food security, and provide a platform for global science.
The Chagos Conservation Trust (CCT) is a small registered charity of volunteers dedicated to promoting environmental conservation and relevant scientific research and education in relation to the Chagos archipelago. CCT also acts as the secretariat to the Chagos Environment Network (CEN) of leading UK and international institutions committed to the protection of the marine reserve.
The Requirement
We need someone with sufficient relevant experience to help us with the communications and outreach tasks essential to support the Trust’s environmental conservation work in the Chagos. You will be self-employed, willing to assist on a fee-paid basis, able to commit to the equivalent of about 1000 hours of work a year (or 21 hours a week), working from your home or business address. You will attend periodic meetings of the CCT’s Executive Committee and other meetings in London as necessary. Your routine work contact in the Trust will be the CCT Secretary. Fees paid will be subject to a maximum of £15-20,000 per annum, depending on experience.
Skills and Personal Qualities
We are looking for someone with:
Contract: fee-paid, subject to a maximum of £15-20,000 per annum, depending on experience, for the equivalent of about 1000 hours of work a year (or 21 hours a week), working from your home or business address. You will be required to attend meetings in London, as necessary. On such occasions and for gaining initial familiarisation with the Trust’s work, it should be possible to find you temporary office space in the headquarters of a member organisation in central London. Initial contract is for one year.
Your key role will be to assist the Trust to promote its environmental conservation work in the Chagos Archipelago, British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). You will attend meetings of the CCT Executive Committee. Your routine work contact in the Trust will be the CCT Secretary.
Main Tasks
Your tasks will include:
Person Specification
We are looking for someone with:
Applicants must be able legally to work in the UK, must have a university degree or at least two A levels or equivalent qualifications and must have an unblemished employment history.
How to Apply
Please send your CV (maximum 2 sides of A4 paper) plus a covering letter by e-mail to: Applications must be submitted before Tuesday, 8 May 2012.
Your CV must include your full postal address and contact details, including telephone number; your educational details and academic and professional qualifications; and your employment history.
Your covering letter must include your reasons for applying; give evidence of relevant experience; and indicate the skills that you would bring to the work.
Please visit our website: and, if further information is required, e-mail: