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Riochdaire Susbaint - Ceòl is Tachartasan / Content Producer - Audio, Music & Events
View more categories View less categories Sector Media and Publishing Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time
Package Description
Job Reference: 20309
Band: C
Salary: £32,500 - £54,100 depending on relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The expected salary range for this role reflects internal benchmarking and external market insights.
Contract type: 6mths Fixed Term Contract / Attachment
Location: Office Base is Stornoway, Inverness or Glasgow. This is a hybrid role and the successful candidate will balance office working with home working.
We're happy to discuss flexible working. Please indicate your choice under the flexible working question in the application. There is no obligation to raise this at the application stage but if you wish to do so, you are welcome to. Flexible working will be part of the discussion at offer stage.
- Excellent career progression - the BBC offers great opportunities for employees to seek new challenges and work in different areas of the organisation.
- Unrivalled training and development opportunities - our in-house Academy hosts a wide range of internal and external courses and certification.
- Benefits - We offer a negotiable salary package, a flexible 35-hour working week for work-life balance and 25 days annual leave with the option to buy an extra 5 days, a defined pension scheme and discounted dental, health care, gym and much more.
If you need to discuss adjustments or access requirements for the interview process please contact For any general queries, please contact:
Fiosrachadh / Job Introduction'S e stèisean rèidio Gaidhlig a th' ann am BBC Radio nan Gaidheal, a' craoladh iomadh seòrsa prògram eadar naidheachdan, cùisean laitheil, ceòl, spòrs, prògraman aithriseach, creideamh agus na h-ealain. Tha sgiobaidhean againn air feadh Alba, le ar prìomh oifis ann an Steòrnabhagh.
Tha sinn a' sireadh riochdaire ciùil aig a bheil fìor eòlas air a' luchd-èisteachd againn 's aig a bheil beachdan cruthachail airson prògraman tarraingeach a libhrigeadh airson ar luchd-èisteachd còmhla ri luchd-lìbhrigidh nam prògraman. Tha raon farsaing de chèol againn ga chluich eadar ceòl traidiseanta agus ceòl ùr Gaidhlig, ceòl folk, pìobaireachd, ceòl clasaigeach agus ceòl Beurla de gach seòrsa.
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal is a Scottish Gaelic language radio station. We broadcast a range of different programming including news and daily topical strands, music, sport, arts, built features and faith. Our team is based throughout Scotland, with the main hub in Stornoway.
We are looking for a music producer who has a thorough understanding of our audience and who can generate creative ideas for entertaining and informative programmes working with various presenters. We broadcast a broad range of music from traditional to contemporary Gaelic music, piping and classical, folk and English language of all kinds.
Prìomh Uallaichean / Main ResponsibilitiesTha sinn a' lorg neach a choileanas iarratasan obair riochdachaidh aig ard-ìre ann an sgioba ciùil BBC Radio nan Gaidheal. Bidh seo a' gabhail a-steach a bhith a' leasachadh agus a' lìbhrigeadh bheachdan is susbaint sònraichte air grunn ùrlaran craolaidh is foillseachaidh. Bidh tu a' cleachdadh raon de sgilean riochdachaidh, ag obrachadh còmhla ri luchd-lìbhrigidh phrògraman, a' deasachadh stuthan airson prògraman rèidio laitheil agus an cois riochdaire nam meadhanan-sòisealta a' cur an gnìomh ro-innleachd didseatach buadhmhor airson susbaint BBC Radio nan Gaidheal agus ag obair le sgiobaidhean thairis na seirbheis.
We are looking for a skilled producer who will work within a team to support the responsive and flexible production requirements of BBC Radio nan Gaidheal's music programming. This will range from developing and delivering distinctive content on a variety of platforms, working with a variety of presenters and using a range of production skills to produce material for our music programmes. It will also include the production of material for use online and across all platforms and working with teams across the BBC Radio nan Gaidheal network.
Tha na leanas ri choileanadh (ged a dh'fhaodar an tuilleadh a chur ris):
- Susbaint sònraichte a dhèanamh air diofar ard-ùrlaran a' cleachdadh raon de sgilean riochdachaidh sònraichte
- Leasachadh daimhean obrach adhartach le co-obraichean agus talant
- Comas breithneachadh is fios cuideachail a thoirt seachad
- Obrachadh taobh a-staigh poileasaidhean a' BhBC, a' gabhail a-steach stiùiridh deasachaidh
- Aithne agus comas dèiligeadh le cùisean a dh' fhaodadh a bhith connspaideach
- Bho am gu am a' preseantadh phrògraman air rèidio no meadhanan eile
- Brosnachadh co-obraichean agus sgiobaidhean air cleachdadh ùrlaran didseatach agus mar a bhios gach ùrlar a' frithealadh luchd-èisteachd eadar-dhealaichte
- Ag obair gu dlùth le sgiobaidhean agus roinnean eile den BhBC gu bheil na modhan-obrach as fhearr air an cur an sas.
- A bhith mothachail air cho measgaichte 's a tha an luchd-cleachdaidh 's a' cruthachadh stuthan dha rèir.
- A bhith ag obair taobh a-staigh poileasaidhean Laghail agus Sabhailteachd a' BhBC.
An tusa an neach airson na h-obrach? / Are you the right candidate?Feumaidh tu dearbhadh:- Eòlas follaiseach air a bhith ag obair ann an arainneachd riochdachaidh susbaint;
- Eolas air ceòl traidsieanta agus ceòl ùr Gaidhlig, a thuilleadh air ceòl Beurla
- Comas air beachdan cruthachail ùra a leasachadh.
- Eòlas air beachdan cruthachail is adhartach a leasachadh airson gach ùrlar.
- Eòlas air an luchd-èisteachd, am farsaingeachd na luib agus na feumlachdan agus na dùilean aca;
- Sgilean planaidh agus comas obrachadh thairis air grunn raointean aig aon am, a' dèanamh prìomhachas, lìbhrigeadh gu cunbhalach a rèir cinn-ama agus a' dèiligeadh ri atharrachaidhean agus prìomh-amasan connspaideach;
- A bhith mothachail air uallach ionmhasail, buidseatan agus stiùireadh ghoireasan.
- Eòlas farsaing air stiùiridhean deasachaidh a' BhBC agus poileasaidhean sònraichte eile, no miann agus comas an t-eòlas seo fhaighinn gun dail.
- Eòlas agus tuigs' air na meadhanan didseatach, agus ro-innleachd airson mar a thèid Radio nan Gaidheal an sas
- Eòlas agus fianais mu bhith a' cruthachadh stuthan a th' air a bhith soirbheachail thar diofar mheadhanan
- Comasach bhidio agus fuaim a laimhseachadh agus a dheasachadh airson an cuir an sas air diofar ùrlaran, a' cleachdadh diofar sheòrsaichean bathair-bog.
- Sgilean conaltraidh laidir, gach cuid sgrìobhte agus còmhradh.
- Tuigs' air agus ùidh anns na modhan obrach a tha a' freagairt air na meadhanan didseatach, gu h-araid mar a tha cùisean a' gluasad gu sgiobalta.
- Cruthachail agus comasach air tomhais an seòrsa susbaint a tha freagarrach agus air sin a chur an sas thar diofar phrògraman.
- Eòlas air a bhith gabhail co-dhùnaidhean gu sgiobalta air beachdan agus air ceistean riochdachaidh a bhios a' nochdadh.
- Sgilean rianachd fìor mhath agus comas a bhith ag obair le diofar sgiobaidhean agus a' co-òrdanachadh obair thar sgiobaidhean.
You will demonstrate:- Knowledge and experience of working in a content production environment;
- Knowledge of traditional and contemporary Gaelic music, as well as English language music
- Ability to develop fresh, new creative ideas.
- Experience of taking ideas from concept to finished product whilst driving creativity
- Knowledge of the audience, their varying needs and expectations
- Effective planning skills and an ability to work across several areas at one time, prioritising, delivering consistently to deadlines and reacting positively to changes and conflicting priorities;
- Financial responsibility and responsible budget and resource management
- A thorough knowledge of BBC editorial guidelines and other compliance policies, or the desire and ability to acquire this knowledge quickly
- A demonstrable passion, knowledge and interest in digital platforms
- Experience in creating successful linear and digital content
- Ability to optimise and edit audio / video posts for platforms as required using different types of software
- Strong communication skills, both spoken and written
- A solid knowledge of digital content best practices and trends, entertainment and the social media.
- The ability to identify potential content and to creatively deliver it across a range of different output
- Good attention to detail in copywriting and comprehensive editorial judgment in developing ideas and producing content
- Exceptional organisation skills, ability to work and co-ordinate across teams
About the BBCThe BBC is committed to redeploying employees seeking suitable alternative employment within the BBC for different reasons and they will be given priority consideration ahead of other applicants. Priority consideration means for those employees seeking redeployment their application will be considered alongside anyone else at risk of redundancy, prior to any individuals being considered who are not at risk.
We don't focus simply on what we do - we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are important to us. Please make sure you've read about our values and behaviours here.
Diversity matters at the BBC. We have a working environment where we value and respect every individual's unique contribution, enabling all of our employees to thrive and achieve their full potential.
We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of the BBC - whether that's to contribute to our programming or our wide range of non-production roles. The more diverse our workforce, the better able we are to respond to and reflect our audiences in all their diversity.
We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We will consider flexible working requests for all roles, unless operational requirements prevent otherwise.
To find out more about Diversity and Inclusion at the BBC, please click here.