Expression of Interest – Northern Regional Planning Panel
Expressions of Interest are sought for independent council representatives on the Northern Regional Planning Panel. We are seeking a qualified, skilled and experienced expert to help make important development decisions for the future of the Clarence Valley.
Planning Panels consist of five (5) members, with three (3) of the members, including the chair, appointed by the Minister (State members) and two (2) members nominated by the relevant Council (Council members).
Who are we looking for?
Clarence Valley Council is seeking to appoint one (1) external permanent panel member and one (1) external alternate panel member. The term of appointment for the Panel member will be three (3) years.
You must have demonstrated expertise in one or more of the following areas: planning, architecture, heritage, the environment, urban design, land economics, traffic and transport, law, engineering, or tourism. Property developers and real estate agents are not eligible to be members of a Panel.
The successful applicant will be appropriately qualified, skilled, and have relevant experience, demonstrating the ability to assess regionally significant development proposals in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and other relevant acts, regulations, and guidelines.
The external panel member will join Councillor Greg Clancy as Council’s other member. Mayor Ray Smith and Councillors Lynne Cairns and Peter Johnstone are the alternatives to Cr Clancy.
Rules applying to Planning Panel Members
All panel members must comply with the Planning Panel’s Operational Procedures and Code of Conduct. The operational procedures require council to arrange probity checks on council nominees, including a police check, a bankruptcy record check, and a public register of real estate agents check. The procedures also require council nominees to fill out a statutory declaration to indicate that they are not a real estate agent or a property developer.
The external panel member will be paid a fee for service as determined by Council, being:
The maximum meeting rate is inclusive of all the work the panel member does for each matter, including preparation, travel, site visits, meetings, and any further deliberation, voting, and subsequent preparation of reasons for determination once a meeting has closed.
How to apply
You can make a submission by providing:
The cover letter should be no more than two (2) pages and address how you meet the following criteria: