Do you want to help make Northumberland a 'Land of Great Opportunities'?
We are restructuring the management arrangements for our Highways, Transport and Climate Change services to create two new Heads of Service. These new roles will provide additional senior management capacity to lead these high-profile services, ensuring they maximise their contribution towards our key corporate objectives of Driving Economic Growth, Tackling Inequalities and Delivering Value for Money.
We are looking for an inspirational and experienced transport or climate change professional to lead the teams responsible for developing and delivering our strategic transport and climate change policies and programmes to improve the accessibility, connectivity and sustainability of the transport network throughout the county and to achieve the Council's and County's climate change aims and targets.
You will be the Council's lead adviser on matters relating to strategic transport and climate change policy, programmes, statutory requirements and operational practice. Working closely with the Head of Highways you will ensure that transport policy and strategy and major transport projects and programmes are progressed seamlessly from development into delivery and operation.
You will be responsible for the commissioning and management of public transport services. Development of strategic and economic business case, funding and legal aspects, land assembly and consultation/engagement relating to major transport, climate change and active travel capital projects and programmes, including the Northumberland Line project to reintroduce passenger rail services to SE Northumberland.
You will encourage and facilitate behaviour change to support more sustainable and healthier communities through education and awareness raising activities. You will be the Council's professional lead inputting to Regional Transport and Combined Authority transport development and high-level contact with National Highways, Network Rail, Department for Transport, Transport North East, Public Transport Operators, BEIS and DESNEZ to negotiate and resolve key issues.
You will have management responsibility for circa 49 employees covering a wide range of professional and technical roles and for a gross service budget of approximately £48m (£8.206m gross revenue and £39.778m capital).
You will have a proven track record of leadership success across delivery of Transport and/or Climate Change Programmes and projects and provision of services and of working with partners at local, regional and national level to achieve ambitious plans.