Codeable is the only WordPress freelancer platform. We match customers to the best WordPress experts. We help customers solve any WordPress problem.
Codeable connects a community of professional WordPress development experts from around the world with businesses that need a WordPress site built, developed, maintained, fixed or optimized. We’re the only WordPress exclusive services platform and community, with over 550+ freelance developers and teams, delivering projects of all sizes to clients globally.
Our mission is to build the most vibrant WordPress developer services community and to create a better way of working for all parties in the WordPress ecosystem when it comes to WordPress websites… whether that’s for developers, clients, or partners.
Work on interesting projects, with nice clients, and set your own rates ($70-120+).
We believe in whistling while you work and loving what you do. When you’re whistling, you’re not stressed, you’re getting paid what you’re worth, and you’re able to deliver your very best.
Codeable is the only WordPress specific, premium freelancer platform. As an expert on the platform, you’ll get to choose from thousands of remote WordPress freelance job opportunities, and be part of an inclusive and incredibly connected community of friendly professional WordPress developers from around the world.
What we look for:
Codeable is dedicated to diversity and inclusion and we welcome everyone to apply to work with us, even if you feel you may not fit all of the skills below:
We would love to hear from you, if you…
Being a good developer is not enough to be successful with us. You must also be able to communicate effectively in English, manage clients, even the difficult ones, and be reliable. In other words, you must be a professional.
What you will get in exchange is a constant flow of projects to choose from, high paying rates, an awesome community of developers that talk on our Slack channel and help each other, and the Codeable team ready to assist you in your difficult moments.
Equal Opportunity Statement
Codeable is an equal opportunity organization that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.