Senior Transport Operations Manager - Locality North

Education Authority
GBP 60,000 - 80,000
Job description


Responsible to Head of Transport Operations

Responsible for The Senior Transport Operations Manager will be responsible for the delivery of all home to school transport operations and managing and leading a wide range of employees within an assigned locality area.

Job Purpose

Transport assistance is provided for approximately 90,000 pupils including those with special needs and students attending FE Colleges on a daily basis at a cost of nearly £75 million per year, with a current workforce of 750 drivers, 570 escorts, 60 admin staff, 25 senior drivers and 463 school crossing patrols.

The overall purpose of the role of Senior Transport Operations Manager is to lead, manage and develop the Authority’s school transport operational requirements. As a key member of the Transport Team, the Senior Operations Manager is accountable for the provision of the effective and efficient transport service which complies with statutory requirements and relevant legislation within one of three Geographical Transport Service Localities coterminous with local council boundaries.

The Senior Transport Operations Manager will assist and support the Head of Operations to ensure the successful implementation of a compliant, consistent, efficient and professional transport service within EA and ensure that service delivery is focused on meeting the needs of children and young people through provision of excellent services. The purpose of this role is to lead on the harmonisation of the transport service ensuring continuous service development and improvement of the Authority’s school transport operations.

The post holder will drive innovation and service improvement across their locality implementing new and improved ways of working and maximising the use of digital technology to support and improve business performance.





Fermanagh & Omagh

Derry & Strabane


Mid Ulster

Causeway Coast & Glens

North Down & Ards

Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon

Mid & East Antrim

Lisburn & Castlereagh

Antrim & Newtownabbey

Newry, Mourne & Down


The Senior Transport Operations Managers have the following leadership responsibilities for their portfolio of services:

Setting Vision and Strategy

  • In partnership with the Head of Service establish, maintain and communicate a clear and compelling strategic direction for the service.
  • Contribute to the development of a strategic plan for the service and lead on the development of a business plan.
  • Translate the Corporate vision into a service-specific direction.
  • Lead the regionalisation and transformation of the service, and all related processes and procedures.
  • Lead the development and implementation of new policies in line with strategic direction.
  • Actively contribute to the strategic management of the service, attending Directorate, Corporate, Committee and Board meetings as required by the Head of Service.
  • Challenge conventional approaches, harness new approaches and technology and maximise efficiencies.

Managing the Organisation to Deliver

  • Manage service delivery effectively to ensure the highest possible standards of performance and focuses on the needs of internal and external customers.
  • Agree service performance targets with the Head of Service and provide regular progress reports.
  • Develop, agree and implement a robust annual operational plan for the service.
  • Delegate responsibilities and deploy staff according to their skills and abilities to meet the needs of the service.
  • Regularly monitor and review plans and make adjustments as required.
  • Manage and continuously improve the service to ensure delivery against performance targets, and to ensure that best value for money is achieved.
  • Ensure that the service contributes to overall Directorate and Corporate performance as appropriate, and provide update reports as required.
  • Ensure that the Head of Service receives high quality service-specific advice.
  • Apply resources effectively across the service to maximise the delivery of front-line services.
  • Consider the financial implications relating to effective models of service delivery, and contribute to the successful achievement of the Savings Delivery Plan.
  • Ensure compliance with relevant legal, regulatory and statutory performance requirements.
  • Manage the service budget in accordance with all relevant financial policy and procedures.
  • Monitor the financial position of the service and report regularly to the Head of Service.
  • Follow agreed measures to deliver the service within budget, and take immediate corrective action as required.
  • Contribute effectively to quality and performance management systems and ensure that the service is being managed as per the requirements of these systems.
  • Ensure that employees within the service team are provided with clear structure, roles and responsibilities and are supported to work in an integrated way.
  • Focus on addressing key workforce issues including recruitment, employee engagement, retention and training and development.
  • Investigate all complaints and adverse incidents where outcomes are below expected standards.
  • Establish effective and rigorous quality assurance systems to maintain high standards.


  • Work closely with the Head of Service to provide leadership and direction ensuring that corporate, directorate and service performance standards are achieved.
  • Promote the ethos and values of the Authority and ensure that the service is focused on customer needs.
  • Foster a culture that supports achievement of the Authority’s Strategic Plan by role modelling core values and leadership behaviours to staff in the service.
  • Manage and communicate change and improvement initiatives within the service.
  • Lead, manage and develop staff within the service.
  • Encourage staff involvement and engagement in the strategic development and operational delivery of the service.
  • Actively encourage teamwork and self-development, and create opportunities to maximise individuals’ potential, stimulate innovation and connection at all levels with front line services.
  • Promote a positive culture of performance management within the service through individual and small-team accountability. Foster a culture of constructive feedback and learning, and a genuine commitment to regular and effective appraisals.
  • Prepare and deliver reports on behalf of the Authority as required.

Building Relationships and Working with Others

  • Build and maintain effective, professional and respectful stakeholder relationships.
  • Ensure efficient and effective internal communication with staff in the service.
  • Work closely with partner organisations, other Heads of Services, Assistant Directors/Directors and colleagues to benchmark services and lead, manage and monitor change.
  • Build and maintain effective working relationships and clear lines of communication with other Heads of Service within the Directorate and in other Directorates.
  • Develop and maintain clear lines of communication and effective working partnerships with relevant external stakeholders and service user groups.
  • Lead and manage engagement with staff, schools and the public on major changes in the service that may affect them.
  • Work with external agencies; for example, education sector partner organisations, to identify opportunities for joint working that might bring greater consistency across the sector, and/or improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.


Service Delivery, Implementation & Review

  • Develop and implement effective school transport operations in line with the Authority’s strategic priorities.
  • Provide strong leadership and direction to create and implement significant ongoing change and harmonisation of school transport operations;
  • Manage and lead on service delivery within your Geographical Transport Service Locality to include direct management of senior staff, service budget and physical resources;
  • Ensure compliance of all aspects of statutory policies and guidance within the operational functions;
  • Engage with other professionals and agencies as well as work co-jointly with other Service areas across the Authority to implement consistent and cohesive Digital Transformation Programmes;
  • Lead on the management of operational procurement requirements including that of Private Hire vehicles for the purpose of school transport services;
  • Manage the implementation of effective systems to monitor, measure, control and report on the work of the service, to take account of changes which may impact on and influence priorities and needs;
  • Ensure that effective management systems are in place to record and provide information and required analysis, to support the Head of Service on all relevant aspects of progress on targets, standards and performance metrics.
  • Achieve high levels of performance and excellence against key performance indicators, and other workforce measures.
  • Build and maintain momentum for change in order to continuously improve the quality and value of service provision.

Leadership & Management

  • Advise the Head of Operations on all matters relating to service delivery and ensure on-going monitoring of the Service.
  • Ensure full compliance with all relevant policy and legislative requirements.
  • Ensure information stored within the assigned Geographical Transport Service Locality is fully compliant with GDPR.
  • Foster a culture that supports achievement of EA’s Business Plan by role modelling core values and leadership behaviours to staff in the service.
  • Lead/manage and communicate change and improvement initiatives within the service.
  • Lead, manage and develop staff within the service.
  • Provide leadership to all frontline staff including, Drivers; Escorts and School Crossing Patrols, and also all administrative staff in the service locality and contribute to and support management in the other locality should it be required.
  • Encourage staff involvement and engagement in the strategic development and operational delivery of the service.
  • Actively encourage teamwork and self-development, and create opportunities to maximise individuals’ potential, stimulate innovation and connection at all levels within the Transport Service.
  • Ensure the design and delivery of all regional training programmes associated with the delivery of School Transport Services.
  • Lead on the development of recruitment initiatives and harmonisation of HR functions within the Transport service.
  • Ensure that the EA’s Managing Attendance Policy is implemented consistently and robustly to ensure continuous service delivery.
  • Harmonise and ensure the implementation of the induction of new staff and ongoing professional development of all staff in relation to the core objectives, expected outputs and outcomes in relation to the School Transport Services.
  • Prepare and deliver reports as required by the Head of Service.
  • Delegate responsibilities and deploy staff in accordance with their skills and abilities, the needs of the EA and service specific priorities.

Service Development & Quality Assurance

  • Provide input to the future development and management of a regional framework for the EA School Transport Service in terms of advice, support and training to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Ensure effective and rigorous quality assurance systems are implemented to maintain high standards.
  • Contribute significantly to service reviews and developments aimed at improving service delivery and including where required, involvement in and contributing to ongoing programmes of transformation.
  • Develop staff skills in relation to negotiating and collaborating with all stakeholders in accordance with the EA’s Customer Charter.
  • Liaise and work co-operatively with colleagues in other sections of the authority to ensure consistent and coherent approaches towards School Transport Services.
  • Lead, guide and support the work of officers in contributing to the delivery of the service.
  • Provide advice, guidance and support across directorates and other stakeholders in the area of School Transport Services.

Managing Financial Resources

  • Ensure that corporate governance procedures and financial control frameworks are adhered to in relation to all operational decisions, to ensure effective management of the budget for the School Transport Service.
  • Monitor expenditure ensuring propriety, regularity and value for money within allocated budgets;
  • Provide accountability for the significant recurrent budgets and spend within the Geographical Transport Service Locality.
  • Ensure operations are in line with reporting protocols that are required by the EA and in compliance with DE guidelines;
  • Continuously monitor the financial implications relating to service delivery and ensure necessary systems and procedures are in place to evaluate the outcomes of resource allocation.

Partnership Working

  • Develop links across the Authority’s Directorates as necessary in relation to the co-ordination of work related to the delivery of the School Transport Service.
  • Ensure effective systems are in place for communication and consultation with service users, both internally and externally.
  • Lead/manage engagement with staff, schools and the public on communicating major changes in the service that may affect them.
  • Liaise and work co-operatively with a wide range of bodies including the Department of Education, schools and other statutory and voluntary agencies on policy matters relating to the School Transport Services.
  • Build and maintain effective working relationships and clear lines of communication with colleagues across the Transport Service, within the Directorate and in other Directorates.
  • Attend and contribute at meetings relating to School Transport Services both internally and with other stakeholders, in accordance with corporate goals, service targets, multi-agency actions plans and in line with EA and DE requirements.

Other Duties and Responsibilities

  • Represent the Head of Service on working groups, committees or meetings as appropriate.
  • Manage/lead on and/or participate on selection panels as required.
  • Undertake such training as may be required for the role.
  • Undertake such other relevant duties as may be reasonably expected of the post holder.
  • Comply with the Authority’s policies and procedures in relation to the duties and responsibilities of the post.

This job description will be subject to review in light of changing circumstances and is not intended to be rigid and inflexible but should be regarded as providing guidelines within which the individual works. Other duties of a similar nature and appropriate to the grade may be assigned from time to time.

In accordance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998), the Head of Service is expected to promote good relations and equality of opportunity, and to pay due regard to equality legislation at all times.



  1. You must clearly demonstrate on your application form under each question, how, and to what extent you meet the required criteria as failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted.
  2. You must demonstrate how you meet the criteria by the closing date for applications, unless the criteria state otherwise.
  3. The stage in the process when the criteria will be measured is outlined in the table below.
  4. Shortlisting will be carried out on the basis of the essential criteria set out in Section 1 below, using the information provided by you on your application form.
  5. Please note that the Selection Panel reserves the right to shortlist only those applicants that it believes most strongly meet the criteria for the role.
  6. In the event of an excessive number of applications, the Selection Panel also reserves the right to apply any desirable criteria as outlined in Section 3 at shortlisting, in which case these will be applied in the order listed. It is important therefore that you also clearly demonstrate on your application form on how you meet any desirable criteria.

Section 1 - Essential Criteria

The following are essential criteria which will initially be measured at the shortlisting stage and which may also be further explored during the interview/selection stage. You should therefore make it clear on your application form how, and to what extent you meet these criteria. Failure to do so may result in you not being shortlisted.

Factor Essential Criteria Method of Assessment Qualifications/

Hold a bachelor’s degree (UK Qualification and Credit Framework Level 6) or an equivalent or higher qualification and two years’ demonstrable experience of providing specialist advice and support to senior managers on a range of non-routine service delivery issues, including the management of change
Have four years’ demonstrable experience of providing specialist advice and support to senior managers on a range of non-routine, service delivery issues, including the management of change.

Have three years' demonstrable experience of the successful leadership and management of operational services within a complex organisation, with evidence of knowledge and experience of:
a. Financial management;
b. Staff management, including HR issues;
c. Analysis of information to develop strategic service delivery and reporting; and
d. Managing and leading staff to achieve a high level of service delivery.

Demonstrable experience of regularly and directly supporting and advising senior management in operational situations and planning responses to strategic priorities, including statutory and legislative requirements.

Shortlisting by Application Form

The successful candidate will be required:

to have access to a suitable vehicle (appropriately maintained and insured for Education Authority business) that will enable them to carry out the mobility requirements of the post in an efficient and effective manner and thus meet this essential criterion;


be able to provide sufficient information on the application form that will satisfy the employer that he/she has access to an appropriate alternative form of transport that will enable them to carry out the mobility requirements of the post in an efficient and effective manner and thus meet this essential criterion.

Shortlisting by Application Form

Section 2 - Essential Criteria

The following are additional essential criteria which will be measured during the interview/selection stage in line with EA’s Game Changing People Model.

Factor Essential Criteria Method of Assessment Knowledge

Demonstrable knowledge of the current and anticipated challenges relating to the role.



In line with EA’s Game Changing People Model we will look for evidence of:

Proven ability to achieve challenging targets and objectives through the engagement of teams.

Highly developed communication skills with a proven ability to effectively communicate, negotiate and influence a wide range of internal and external stakeholders to achieve organisational outcomes.

Proven ability to lead, manage, develop and motivate staff at all levels within a changing environment.

Proven ability in the implementation of effective business improvement across a large scale operational function, together with an understanding of the associated staff training and development requirements.

Making effective decisions based upon analysis, experience and judgement, demonstrating a positive and resilient approach to solving difficult problems.


Other Demonstrable commitment to continuous personal and professional development.


Values Orientation
Evidence of how your experience and approach to work reflect EA’s ethos and values. You will find information about our Values here .


Our Values

Through the selection process we will also seek evidence that the personal values of candidates align with those of the EA. This will include evidence of commitment to equality and excellence in service delivery. These reflect our aim which is to meet the needs of all our children and young people equally, removing barriers to learning and ensuring equality of access to excellent education services so that every child can develop to his or her full potential.


The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 defines working directly with children or young people or in specified places as ‘regulated activity’.

In the event that you are recommended for appointed to a post that involves ‘regulated activity’, the Education Authority will be required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure of Criminal Background.Please note that youWILLbe expected to meet the cost of an Enhanced Disclosure Certificate. Details of how to make payment will be sent to you at the pre-employment stage.

Further information can be accessed atNI Director theDepartment of Justice.


To view the applicant guidance notes, please click here .

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