This is a globally renowned luxury retailer. With a rich heritage and an unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and exceptional customer experiences, they continue to set the standard for prestige and excellence in their market industry.
The Role
We are seeking a dynamic and strategic CRM Manager to lead our customer engagement and retention initiatives. Based at our head office, this pivotal role will be responsible for driving customer loyalty, optimizing retention strategies, and ensuring meaningful activations across our database. With one direct report (CRM Analyst), you will oversee data-driven insights and campaign execution, ensuring a best-in-class customer experience that aligns with our luxury positioning.
Key Responsibilities - CRM Manager
What You Bring
Why Join Us?
If you are a results-driven CRM Manager/Expert with a passion for luxury and customer engagement, we would love to hear from you. Apply today to be part of our journey in redefining the luxury retail experience.