Chief Executive Officer

GBP 80,000 - 100,000
Job description

Particular key responsibilities will be to:

Ensure that safety, high quality care and high quality services are embedded as the key drivers of all aspects of the UHB’s business. Integrate the strategic and operational planning and delivery of all services within the UHB, including a commitment to working and responding locally and delivering statutory plans with partners. Develop an organisational culture that (i) supports clinical leadership and engagement in decision making and (ii) demonstrates a commitment to continuous change and service improvement. Embed an organisational culture and management commitment that encourages innovation and values and empowers staff. Establish well-structured, open and honest engagement with patients, the public, staff and all other stakeholders. Lead and manage the performance and development of the UHB. Maximise the efficient use of all resources. Ensure performance targets are set and achieved and the UHB achieves all of its financial targets and that its financial affairs are conducted legally. Effectively lead and manage the integration of the various components of the UHB to develop a unified organisation which delivers a service that:

  1. delivers improved population health and well being
  2. reduces inequalities
  3. improves patient safety
Provide proper stewardship of public funds and the compliance of the UHB with all statutory, legislative and policy requirements. Contribute as part of the wider system leadership of the NHS in Wales through membership of and connections to wider networks and boards (including Chief Executive networks). Act as an ambassador for the UHB, building the reputation of the services it plans and manages.

Key Accountabilities:

Improving Population Health and Patient Services: Working with Public Health Wales and other agencies to lead on the improvement of population health and the public health agenda. Working collaboratively with Hywel Dda University Health Board to establish and maintain one regional health economy across West Wales to ensure safe, high quality and accessible services for the population. Leading the change in emphasis from in-hospital care to effective prevention, early intervention and long-term community-based support. Engage effectively with clinical leaders so that the UHB provides safe, high quality, dignified and compassionate care for patients in line with NHS standards for services in Wales, within the resources available. Initiate and facilitate effective partnerships and alliances between the UHB and other agencies to influence the agendas of these bodies and to draw on their experiences and perspectives in creating local NHS and community strategies, policies and actions to deliver long-term health improvements. Motivate all clinical staff to benchmark services continuously against best practice evidence, research and audit to ensure high quality standards of patient care. Foster a culture which embraces and recognises the opportunities for the utilisation of new clinical and service technologies. Ensure that digital services are embedded in service design and foster a culture of digital inclusion within the UHB. Ensure the integration of robust systems of emergency planning, preparedness, business continuity and resilience arrangements into UHB services.

Performance: To achieve the financial and corporate objectives set for the UHB, ensuring the effective, efficient and economical use of resources in achieving planned activity and delivery of all required performance targets. Oversee the successful delivery of national programmes. Meet agreed commitments across the community as set out in the NHS Wales Planning Framework and prepare an Annual Plan/Integrated Medium Term Plan in response. Ensure delivery of the UHB's contribution to performance priorities within local partnership plans. Implement an appropriate Performance Management System to ensure performance of the board is monitored and managed and supports continuous performance improvement. Ensure the development of information strategies to assess health needs and to support evidence-based decision making.

Strategic Development and Partnership Working: To lead the formulation of the UHB's direction in line with the Welsh Government's Strategic Framework for the NHS. Engage with and promote co-operation and collaboration with other organisations to develop strategic partnerships and alliances to improve the health of local communities and ensure effective partnership working. Ensure that strategic partnership arrangements are developed and continuously improved with local authorities and other local voluntary, statutory and private sectors. Promote and facilitate effective partnership working with other organisations (including private and voluntary sector service providers) to enable the UHB to function effectively and support the delivery of the range of statutory plans and local initiatives. Develop a culture of public involvement that is open and transparent, ensuring that users, carers and the general public's views are effectively represented and appropriately incorporated into decision making across the UHB. Develop effective relationships with Llais, Professional Forums, Stakeholder Reference Group and Local Partnership Forum to ensure strategic plans are developed with full cognisance of their views.

Governance: Ensure the corporate business of the UHB is effectively managed and high standards of integrated governance are established including corporate, clinical and staff governance. Oversee the design and implementation of systems of business conduct, public accountability and managerial delegation and control which ensure the resources of the UHB are deployed economically, efficiently and effectively and that the UHB meets its statutory financial duties. Ensure a proactive approach to risk management including the systematic identification, assessment and management of risk. Ensure that the UHB acts within its statutory powers and delegated authority, in accordance with statutory, legislative and Welsh Government directives and requirements. Develop effective organisational arrangements and capacity that enables the UHB to meet its strategic aims within a framework of strong, effective governance consistent with NHS values in terms of safety, openness, probity, and accountability.

Leadership of Staff: Develop processes which ensure full engagement and commitment of all staff to deliver improvements to patient accessibility and clinical outcomes. Ensure the development of an organisation which encourages personal development and learning; encourages and supports innovation; team building and creative partnerships and a commitment to patient safety. Lead, direct, develop and manage staff and services of the UHB to create an open, supportive and productive culture to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and innovation. Lead and manage the Executive Team so that each Director is able to fulfil his/her individual responsibilities, ensuring that Directors work together to achieve the UHB Board's aims and objectives by influencing, managing and monitoring their performance. Implement effective performance management that supports personal development of UHB staff and succession planning for the UHB, NHS Wales and the public sector in Wales. Develop the UHB as an exemplar employer and establish effective recognition and partnership arrangements with trade unions and other staff organisations to ensure that through effective communication and consultation the interests of staff are understood and appropriately reflected in the management processes of the UHB. Ensure a Workforce & OD Strategy and Workforce Plan are developed which are fully integrated with planning and financial plans. Develop effective working relationships with employed staff, but also with local contractors to harness their support for a service that delivers improved health, reduces inequalities and improves patient safety.

Ambassador for the UHB: Develop and implement a communication strategy that is sensitive and responsive and secures the support of all parties within the UHB community. The Chief Executive will act as an ambassador for the UHB and NHS Wales. As one of the cadre of senior leaders within Wales - to contribute to the wider health and organisational agenda of NHS Wales and WG.

Performance Appraisals: Performance will be appraised and objectives agreed on an annual basis with Chair and Chief Executive NHS Wales. Annual objectives will be agreed with the Chair of Hywel Dda University Health Board and in collaboration with the Director General, Department for Health & Social Services, Chief Executive, NHS Wales.

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