Post-doctoral position in LA and data mining to support critical thinking in video-based learning

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Society for Learning Analytics Research
EUR 40 000 - 60 000
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Il y a 4 jours
Description du poste

This position is part of the e-FRAN project Parcours Ouverts et Compétences pour l’Éducation à l’Esprit Critique (POUCEEC) whose main objective is to support the large-scale deployment (i.e. in the academies of Toulouse, Lyon and Marseille) and adaptation of a learning platform designed to promote critical analysis of videos and the arguments they convey. The project consortium includes research laboratories, academic and associative partners. The CLLE laboratory, the project leader, will conduct studies to evaluate the critical thinking skills of students and the acceptability of the platform by teachers. The IRIT laboratory will be responsible for the management of the interaction traces of teachers and students with the learning platform in order to adapt and improve it. The association FREDD will be responsible for the production of the videos broadcasted on the learning platform. The academies of Toulouse, Lyon and Marseille will provide the testing grounds (minimum 12 establishments in the academy of Toulouse, 5 in the academy of Aix-Marseille, and 5 in the academy of Lyon).

Mission and tasks of the position

The recruited agent will have as main mission, in collaboration with a research engineer and the FREDD association: (i) the specification and design of sensors capable of collecting interaction traces within the platform developed in the DIMED project; (ii) the specification and deployment of a trace database supporting the collection and sharing of a large mass of interaction traces; (iii) the analysis of activity traces with the aim of understanding the actual uses of teachers and learners and identifying links between activities and student success; and (iv) the proposal and implementation of elements for adapting the platform according to the results of the analyses performed. The productions and studies conducted by the agent will be published in high-level journals and conferences interested in educational technologies such as Computer & Education, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies or Interactive Learning Environments.

Main tasks:

  • Specification of the format of the traces to be collected, in compliance with the xAPI specification;
  • Specification of the learning record store and the APIs needed to collect and share interaction traces;
  • Specification and evaluation of trace analysis models allowing to identify links between activities on the platform and students’ success;
  • Rigorous scientific reporting of the analysis results;
  • Co-supervision of the research engineer recruited on the project to develop and deploy the specifications previously proposed;
  • Writing of scientific articles.

Secondary tasks:

  • Participation in the definition and implementation of the experiments within the schools of the different academic partners of the project;
  • Participation in writing the project deliverables;
  • Participation in the project meetings.

Profile of the expected candidate & Required competences

  • Phd in Computer Science or Mathematics in one of the following areas: Data mining; Artificial Intelligence; Machine learning; Statistics.
  • Know the key mathematical/statistical theories and tools needed for data analysis and mining. Mastery level = very high;
  • Know the concept of user profile (cognitive and metacognitive). Mastery level = high;
  • Know the regulations in terms of storing and sharing sensitive data (i.e., RGPD), especially for minors. Mastery level = medium/low;
  • Implement experiments in a real-world learning environment. Mastery level = medium;
  • Collaborate with other researchers, but also with practitioners. Mastery level = high;
  • Communicate in English, both written and oral. Mastery level = high;
  • Communicating in French would be a plus.

Research team and supervision

The agent will carry out his/her research at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT). This Joint Research Unit of the CNRS, one of the most important at the national level, has no less than 600 permanent and non-permanent staff. IRIT’s research is organized around 5 major scientific topics (Design and implementation of systems; Digital modeling of the real world; Concepts for cognition and interaction; Autonomous systems adaptable to their environment; Moving from raw data to intelligible information) and 6 application areas (Health, Autonomy, Well-being; Smart City; Aeronautics, Space, Transport; Digital social media and information dissemination; e-Education; Cybersecurity, Security of goods and people).

The agent will integrate in particular the TALENT team (Teaching and Learning Enhanced by Technologies), composed to date of 5 permanent and 6 non-permanent members. The team develops in particular 3 research axes in the field of Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL): engineering of TEL systems to support active learning; learning analytics for personalized and self-regulated learning; development of digital skills for the education of the future.

The agent will be supervised by Julien Broisin and Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, and will be responsible for the supervision of a research engineer recruited on the same POUCEEC project.

Contract details

  • The agent will have to reside in Toulouse or its surroundings, even if periods of distant work can be arranged.
  • The agent will have to travel in the schools of the POUCEEC project in order to support the implementation of the experiments.

Type, duration and salary of the open position

  • Type of contract: temporary
  • Duration of the position: 24 months
  • Position status: full time
  • Starting date: 01 December 2022
  • Salary: The salary will depend on the experience of the agent, with a minimum of 2500€ net/month.

How to apply

Applicants must send an application file by email to and

The application file must include:

  • Reports from thesis reviewers;
  • Grades from Master degree (or engineering school if applicable);
  • A motivation letter;
  • At least one letter of recommendation.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact Julien Broisin and Mar Pérez-Sanagustín.

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