Modeling and exploration engineer for computing architectures with optical components H/F

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EUR 45 000 - 85 000
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Il y a 5 jours
Description du poste

Modeling and Exploration Engineer for Computing Architectures with Optical Components H/F


Information System



Job Title

Modeling and Exploration Engineer for Computing Architectures with Optical Components H/F

As part of a multidisciplinary research team of experts in hardware IP design and design tools, you will design innovative tools and methodologies for the design of electronic architectures.

You are able to use your skills to perform modeling, simulation, and design space exploration of complex digital computing architectures for high-performance computing. You will contribute to develop and use the tools to perform multi-criteria optimization.

In the context of HW architecture simulation and exploration, the laboratory develops virtual prototyping and architecture exploration tools (VPSim & A-DECA). These tools integrate HW architecture modeling capabilities and executing binary software to be ported directly to a real target, as well as functional validation, debugging, and performance evaluation of software in a fully virtualized environment. Integrating a large IP portfolio, it is possible to emulate functionality through QEMU and interfaces to use external models and obtain performance data. Finally, a Python API describing the specific hardware platform to be simulated and the configuration parameters provides the ability to obtain performance data of the simulated environment during the execution of applications for architecture exploration purposes. The exploration frameworks allow efficient design space exploration for future architectures thanks to various optimization strategies coupled with simulation tools.

As part of a large-scale European project for high-performance computing, you will join the research team of experts with the mission to contribute to the development of a virtual prototype of a computing platform integrating optical link for simulation and design space exploration.

In the course of your mission, you will be required to:

  1. Understand the technical specifications of the computing system integrating an optical link.
  2. Develop a high-level virtual prototype based on CEA VPSIM simulation tool to provide first estimations of KPIs and to allow system-of-chiplets architecture exploration.
  3. Determine best architectural parameters in terms of power, performance, area as well as sustainability using A-DECA tool.
  4. Collaborate/communicate with other research partners involved to expand CEA VPSIM tool to model optical-switch based architectures.
  5. Participate in the scientific dissemination of the team's research results (contributions to publications in national and international conferences), design of videos, demonstrations and tutorials as well as in the valorization of our innovations (writing of patents).

To carry out your mission, you will have access to the laboratory's simulation, modeling, and exploration tools.


You have an engineering/master's degree or a PhD in the field of electronics or embedded systems.

Required Skills/Knowledge:

  • High-level programming languages: C++/Java/Scala.
  • Scripting languages: Bash/Python.
  • Development tools: IDE, make/cmake, svn/git, continuous integration, docker.

Desired Experience and/or Skills:

  • Knowledge of digital electronic architecture (processors, caches, NoC).
  • Experience in simulation/emulation, especially with QEMU.
  • Experience in other scripting languages (bash, tcl) would be a plus.
  • Knowledge in the field of operational research and/or machine learning algorithms would be a plus.



Job Location



  • French (Fluent)

Recommended Training

Master's degree, engineering degree or PhD in informatics and electronics or equivalent.



General Information


The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) is a key player in research, development, and innovation in four main areas:

  • Defence and security
  • Nuclear energy (fission and fusion)
  • Technological research for industry
  • Fundamental research in the physical sciences and life sciences

Drawing on its widely acknowledged expertise, and thanks to its 16,000 technicians, engineers, researchers, and staff, the CEA actively participates in collaborative projects with a large number of academic and industrial partners.

The CEA is established in ten centers spread throughout France.



CEA's technology research division (DRT) has a portfolio of technologies in the fields of information and communication, energy, and health. As an interface between research and industry, our mission is to develop and transfer technologies, from theoretical proof of concept to industrial demonstrators, effectively bridging the gap between research and industry.

CEA List, a research institute specialized in intelligent digital systems, is located in the heart of the Paris-Saclay science and technology cluster.

Within the CEA List, the Electronics Design Automation and Architectures Laboratory (LECA) has the mission to design innovative and flexible system-on-chip architectures that meet the challenges of performance, cost, energy consumption, safety, and security, targeting critical embedded systems and HW accelerators for embedded AI. To reduce the development time and improve the quality of these architectures, the team of experts develop innovative design tools and methods.

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