Java Lead Developer F / M

Faites partie des premiers candidats.
EUR 40 000 - 60 000
Faites partie des premiers candidats.
Il y a 2 jours
Description du poste

Description de poste

Topic description

In South-West of France between Biarritz and Bordeaux, living well and ageing well in the territory represents a challenge recognized by the Landes departmental council, the MACS community of communes and the Syndicat Mixte de St Geours de Maremne, which is responsible for the development and management of the Atlantisud development park. It is estimated that by , there will be 30, dependent Landais men and women, compared with 17, in . With this in mind, our project aims to help improve the quality of life through digitalization. It will apply to the field of living well and ageing well in the Landes region. The living environment can range from businesses for working people, to housing, mobility, services, leisure activities and so on. The main idea is to make multi-source, massive and heterogeneous data from partners talk to each other, in order to analyze them and, above all, to highlight shortcomings and recommendations for better living in the region. These partners include, for example, the Département des Landes for Habitat, mobility and travel data, or the social landlord XL Habitat, Hubics for building data... All of this complemented by Open Data. The data will be ingested, stored and analyzed in an eco-responsible Data Lake currently being set up. The main challenges lie in (i) modeling semantic trajectories of living well and ageing well for data collection and integration, (ii) defining corresponding indicators for data analysis, and (iii) designing visuals adapted to presenting analysis results to a non-specialist audience.

PhD objective

The aim of this Computer Science PhD thesis is to propose data analysis and visualization tools to help local decision-makers understand the evolution of the territory. On the basis of the massive and heterogeneous data collected, the aim is to draw semantic trajectories representing citizens' activities (travel, access to tourist and health areas, housing, shopping, etc.), including changes over time, with forecasts for the future.

Starting date: 11-01

Funding category: Public / private mixed funding

Funding further details: Projet Région Nouvelle Aquitaine

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