About Swiss Life Asset Managers France
Swiss Life Asset Managers France is the asset management entity of Swiss Life Asset Managers in France. The company has 280 employees and EUR 56.7 billion in assets under management (1). Swiss Life Asset Managers France draws on experienced teams, savoir-faire, long-term commitment to sustainable investment and proven expertise to offer a comprehensive range of investment and savings solutions in securities, real estate and infrastructure for the Swiss Life Group and third-party clients.
(1) Swiss Life Asset Managers data as of 30/06/2022
Self-determined Life
Swiss Life enables people to lead a self-determined life and look to the future with confidence. Swiss Life Asset Managers pursues the same goal: We think long-term and act responsibly. We use our knowledge and experience to develop future-oriented investment solutions. This is how we support our customers in achieving their long-term investment objectives, which in turn also take account of their client’s needs so they can plan their financial future in a self-determined manner.
Au sein du centre de compétence groupe dédié à l’Hospitality, composé de 7 personnes et assurant la gestion de plus d’une centaine d’actifs en Europe, votre rôle consiste à gérer un portefeuille d'actifs de façon autonome.