Purpose: Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) and St. Peter's United Church of Christ (SPUCC) are seeking a candidate for the Transitional Pastor until an installed pastor has been called. During the transition period, this individual will help guide both congregations through the process of identifying a pastor, provide spiritual nurturing of the members of the two congregations, help the congregations focus on God's purpose for ministering to the people of their respective communities/families, and assist in discerning God's plan for the future of the "marriage" between the two congregations.
Our Path: EUPC and SPUCC entered into a shared ministry agreement in 2021 under the leadership of our previous pastor. The pastor was responsible for separate worship services at each church located approximately seven miles apart. During summer months, June through August, we have one combined service as well as during Lent, Easter, and Christmas. Additionally, we join together for other fellowship and community events.
EUPC has recently sold their building. A shared use (nesting) agreement has been prepared and is in the process of being implemented. At this time, it is anticipated that two separate services will continue after relocation.
Each church has appointed three members to form the Transitional Pastor Team. The team has the ultimate responsibility to identify and recommend a transitional candidate to the congregations. Additionally, this team has the responsibility to ensure the pulpit is filled until a transitional pastor has been engaged. The team recently conducted a survey of both congregations. The results of the surveys have been tabulated and prayerfully considered to create this job description.
As we continue to discern God's plan for our two congregations, our prayer is to find and install a permanent pastor. The transitional pastor would not be excluded from consideration.