Darlington Nuclear has a mature Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) program, employing the CHECWORKSTM code software to analyze and predict pipe wall thinning rates due to FAC.
Provide Technical support for the Pipe Wall Thinning Program (FAC and MIC).
Identify FAC and MIC outage (replacement and/or inspections) scope.
Identify MIC IOP scope (repair, replacement and/or inspections).
Track online/outage inspection scope activities for FAC and MIC.
Assist with the review, verification, and dispositioning of online/outage inspection results, including corrosion rate calculations and design engineering dispositions.
Model additional piping as required and update the Susceptibility Analysis document.
Perform Pass-2 analysis following outages to identify critical locations for subsequent outage inspections.
Update CheckworksTM unit chemistry analysis for outage inspections.
Provide guidance to AIM inspection staff, Civil Maintenance, and Work Control as needed.
Assist Plant Design in dispositioning low wall thicknesses below critical values for High and Low Energy piping.
Disposition related OPEX at Darlington and provide technical expertise as required.
Assist with providing adequate outage coverage with client staff.
Liaise with outage and AIM personnel (AIM is OPG internal inspection department).
Help prepare post-outage reports for High and Low Energy Piping Inspection Campaign.
Support MIC IOP inspections.
Prepare PWT Program Health Report for FAC and MIC.
Prepare MIC IOP inspection report.
Prepare yearly MIC Visual Inspection Reports at DNGS under AR.
Perform online walkdowns as required.
Update Susceptibility Analysis.
Provide general technical support related to the Darlington Nuclear Pipe Wall Thinning program and support dispositioning OPEX, addressing ARs, and audits.
Review and verification of future outage scopes.
Provide vacation coverage when required.
Offer general expert advice and mentoring.
CHECWORKSTM software support.
Participate in Peer team Review meetings on behalf of Darlington.
Participate in SWAP or COG working group meetings (USA or Canada).
Update DNGS Unit 1, 2, 3 & 4 FAC and MIC Susceptibility, System, and Global Analyses documents as required.
Perform and document engineering evaluations of any negative time-to-Teri! remaining on Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 following completion of outage campaigns.
Support DNGS Assessment PWT related scope.
Review Technical Basis and Inspection History.
Support on-demand emergency review documents.
Apply OPEX and outage lessons learned to DNGS PWT Program assessment.
Complete OPG PWT CBTs training.
Perform Industry driven Self Assessments as required for FAC/MIC.
Present yearly to Senior Management at Plant Health on Program Status (MIC Health Report).
Perform other duties as required.
Prepare future years' inspection campaigns (e.g., 2026 Inspection Campaign was prepared in November 2023) to align with Cycle Plan Work Control procedures.
Raise Station Condition Record and pipe inspection/replacement Work Requests as required.
Write AIOT (Asset Investment Options Template) for potential future projects.
Candidates must be qualified to employ CHECWORKSTM software for the analysis of inspection results.
Must have performed pipe wall thinning analyses using CHECWORKSTM software for at least two consecutive inspection campaigns at a power utility and possess at least 10 years of FAC analytical experience as a recognized industry expert in FAC.
Must have a thorough knowledge of Darlington NGS systems and components, including historical problem areas.
Must be able to provide training in modeling of systems using CHECWORKSTM software.
Must use, but not limited to, our Client’s QA program, AS9, Outage, and Online Work Control processes to complete the work.
Must be capable of obtaining Nuclear Security clearance for the Darlington site.
Must be capable of being Orange-2 Radiation Protection qualified at Darlington.
Must be capable of meeting and sustaining our client’s qualification in Pipe Wall Thinning as well as other engineering qualifications required to conduct engineering duties at the station.