Department of Economic Advancement
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
Located in Iqaluit, NU
Under the direction of the Director of Economic Advancement, the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR) is a key component of the Nunavut Agreement to determine Inuit business ownership for territorial and federal government procurement processes. Maintaining the IFR is essential in fulfilling Article 24 requirements under the Nunavut Agreement. The Inuit Firm Registry Coordinator works with the Policy Analyst, Economic Development to oversee the IFR registration and renewal process, in addition to identifying the challenges, barriers, and opportunities impacting Inuit firms. The Inuit Firm Registry Coordinator is the primary point of contact for Inuit Firms at NTI, serving as a key service provider for registered Inuit businesses. An important responsibility of the coordinator will be to ensure that Inuit Firms are engaged in Nunavut’s economy and receive the maximum benefit from enrollment in the registry.
To be invited for an interview, candidates must be able to develop and maintain strong working relationships with Inuit Businesses registered on the IFR. Candidates must display strong attention to detail, and the ability to organize, categorize, and manage data effectively. Strong writing and communication skills are essential, with the ability to articulate application/renewal procedures and registration policy to external businesses. Candidates should possess superior customer service skills and demonstrate a solutions-oriented approach. Strong research and problem-solving skills are also required, along with good knowledge of the Nunavut Agreement and NTI’s Mission, especially Article 24.
Preference will be given to Inuit enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement.
Starting salary is $97,447.00 per annum (commensurate with experience), along with a comprehensive benefits package including an employee pension plan, group insurance, and vacation travel assistance.
Housing allowance of $35,232.00.
For the full job description, please contact:
Human Resources
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut X0C-0G0
Telephone: 867-645-5408
Fax number: 867-645-3872