A person is responsible for providing nursing care services according to the bio-psycho-social needs of users or groups under her/his care. She/he evaluates the health condition of users, as well as determines and implements nursing care and treatment plans. She/he provides nursing and medical care and treatment aimed at maintaining and restoring health, as well as preventing disease.
She/he plans, provides and evaluates teaching activities intended for the users, their relatives, and groups of people. In addition, she/he participates in research activities aimed at promoting health and preventing disease.
The pre-dialysis nurse plays a crucial role in the management and support of patients with chronic kidney disease, before they reach the stage where replacement therapy becomes necessary.
This person reports to the DPSQA-Health and works in close collaboration with the departments involved in Chronic Kidney Disease patient's care.
Her roles and responsibilities include evaluation, surveillance, psychological and emotional support, education, planification, promotion, and prevention.
She co-ordinates teamwork and plays an advisory role with colleagues and the interdisciplinary team in the management of chronic kidney disease.
She collaborates with the multi-disciplinary team to ensure comprehensive, holistic patient care.
- The pre-dialysis nurse is responsible for guiding, supporting, and ensuring the rigorous clinical follow-up of clients through the kidney disease stages.
- She establishes an ongoing relationship with the patient, his family, his community, the MUHC nephrology team, the Nisk team, and the liaison team. For all these people, she is the reference professional throughout the chronic kidney disease process and until the start of dialysis.
- The pre-dialysis nurse is responsible for assisting the nephrologist in all face-to-face community visits and videoconferences.
- She provides the patient with explanations and information throughout the kidney disease deterioration and about the possible modalities when kidney failure.
- She works under the supervision of the DPSQA-Health, in close collaboration with the various parties involved.
External collaborators:
- MUHC nephrology team (including MGH, Lachine & GLEN);
Internal collaborators:
- Specialized services;
- CPS;
- Local team (Chishaayiiyuu department, MCT team);
- Member in good standing of the O.I.I.Q.
- Two (2) years of experience as a nurse;
- Minimum of one (1) year of experience with the chronic kidney clientele;
- Experience as a nurse in the Cree Board of Health is an asset.
Knowledge and Abilities:
- Knowledge of software used for clinical patient monitoring: Nephrocare, Care4, Myle, Medipatient, Omnilab / optilab, Oasis, DSQ, SiPMI;
- Excellent organisational and time management skills;
- Excellent critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making skills;
- Experience in Hemodialysis is an asset.
- Fluency in Cree or French is an asset.
- Remoteness premium between $6,099 / year and $20,825 / year, depending on community and family status;
- Retention premium of $14,000 / year;
- Cargo premium: Weekly amount to be confirmed depending on the community and family status;
- Accommodation provided: Furnished, heat and electricity included;
- Moving and storage expenses paid;
- Three (3) to four (4) annual sorties depending on family status;
- Group insurance plan;
- Employees of the health and social services network may request unpaid leave to work in a northern institution (up to 48 months).
The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay is responsible for providing health and social services for all persons residing permanently or temporarily in the Eeyou Istchee region, the Cree Territory of James Bay. It is a remote region in northern Quebec made up of nine communities of the Cree Nation, an Indigenous population of nearly 18,000 people.
The health and social services offered are front-line services provided in the nine local CMCs as well as second-line services through the regional hospital centre in Chisasibi. When second- and third-line services cannot be provided in the community, patients are transported to institutions affiliated with McGill University's Réseau Universitaire Intégré de Santé (RUIS).