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United States
Old Toronto
CAD 100,000 - 125,000
Who are we?
GPTZero’s mission is to restore information quality and transparency on the internet. Our team comes from high-performing engineering cultures, including Uber, Meta, Microsoft, Affirm, and leading AI research labs, including Princeton, Caltech, Vector, and MILA. We are working on novel models and pushing cutting-edge research to production, including AI detection, AI hallucination detection, retrieval augmented generation, and writing stylometry to over 3 million active users, and enterprise clients including Fortune 1000 and Unicorn AI companies. We are backed by some of the best in the valley, including Uncork, Neo, Altman Capital, and in journalism, including Mark Thompson (CEO of NYT, BBC, CNN) and Tom Glocer (CEO of Reuters) who defined a generation of quality digital information.
At GPTZero, we make sure that humanity can continue to make good decisions in the world where AI-generated information is everywhere. In this role, you'll blend product analytics, business analytics, and data science to build a data-driven foundation that powers decision-making and innovation. You’ll collaborate with product, engineering, and business teams to influence strategy, optimize user experiences, and develop scalable solutions for millions of users worldwide.
Our Team
You will be working directly with:
Additionally, you will be working with an experienced (e.g. ex-Google, Meta, Microsoft, Bloomberg ML, Uber, Vector, MILA), diverse (e.g. an engineering team with both Y-combinator and Obama scholarship recipients, a designer with art featured in the Met), and driven (e.g. an operator who has scaled a company to 100M+ revenue and is committed to doing it again) group of individuals, described by one investor as one of the strongest founding teams seen in their career. Together, we are committed to making a permanent impact on the future of writing, and on humanity.
Tom Glocer (Legendary Reuters CEO)
Mark Thompson (Legendary NYT CEO and current CNN chief executive)
Jack Altman (CEO of Lattice, brother of Sam Altman)
Karthik Narasimhan (Princeton NLP Professor, co-author of OpenAI’s original GPT paper)
Emad Mostaque (CEO of Stability AI)
Doug Herrington (CEO of Worldwide Amazon Stores)
Brad Smith (President of Microsoft)
Ali Partovi (co-founder of, early investor in Dropbox and Airbnb)
Russ Heddleston (CEO of Docsend)
Alex Mashrabov (Snapchat, Director of AI)
Faizan Mehdi (Affinity, Director of Demand Generation)
Health, dental, and mental health benefits.
Hybrid work in Toronto and NYC offices.
Equity (seed round was in March 2023, today, our metrics exceed many series A companies).
Flexible PTO.
Regular company retreats.
Mentorship opportunities with our world-class advisors and investors.