Higher Talent is currently seeking dynamic candidates for the position of Chief Administrative Officer for our client, the Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philips, NL, Canada.
ABOUT OUR TOWN: The Town of Portugal Cove-St. Philip's is built upon the history and heritage of two unique communities. Together this place provides our residents the opportunity to live in a modern, yet traditional community in rural coastal setting. We embrace a small-town lifestyle and the small-town charm while sitting on the edge of the oldest city in North America. The Town aspires to be a sustainable and complete community, offering residents and visitors access to connected and safe neighbourhoods, natural open spaces, agricultural lands, and soaring coastlines. A vibrant heritage combined with increased economic opportunities will create a preferred place for people to live and grow, to be close to work, to pursue recreation, to invest and to visit.
THE ROLE: Reporting to the Town Council, the Chief Administrative Officer will be responsible for:
- Management and Leadership:
- Provide leadership to direct reports, overall management of the administration, operations, and service delivery of the Town;
- Establish with Council the vision and strategic direction for the Town; periodic updating of the Strategic Plan with Council;
- Consolidate and review the annual business plans and budgets (operating and capital) prepared by the departments and aligned to the Town's strategic direction;
- Monitor performance of departments against business plans/budgets; review reports and initiate corrective action with the departments when necessary;
- Review and recommend new or revised policies to Council, corporate-wide and departmental;
- Recommend to Council the attraction and retention of talent through best practices and policies of recruitment/selection, compensation/benefits, performance management, training/development, succession planning and the working conditions for the Town's employees including health and safety;
- Key management representative responsible for the coordination/cooperation among municipal departments; provision of problem-solving/decision-making advice to the members of senior management.
- Technical:
- Provide business and technical advice for members of Council regarding decisions/actions requiring their approval;
- Review and approve all materials and documentation sent to members of Council; oral presentation of material at Council and Council Committee meetings;
- Implement Council directives and decisions; follow-up on implementation with initiation/projects;
- Review calls for tender for major projects/studies to ensure compliance with current policies/procedures;
- Input and approve quality assurance programs enabling the efficient delivery of services to residents;
- Oversight of economic initiatives to attract and retain business, industry, and commerce in the local area;
- Track pertinent legislation impacting municipal operations and administration with technical advice to Council;
- Oversight of the Town's sustainability planning and Asset Management Program including preventative maintenance and life cycle analysis for its infrastructure, facilities/buildings, equipment, etc.
- Communications/Representation:
- Lead the development and implementation of programs aimed at marketing/promoting the municipality and enhancing its image and visibility;
- Develop and maintain a contact network of counterparts in other municipalities; direct ongoing efforts to explore and optimize shared services and cooperative/group purchasing;
- Represent the Town with individual citizens, community groups/associations; special interest groups, developers, commercial interests and the written and electronic media;
- Liaise with regulatory officials/agencies at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels;
- Provide leadership including day-to-day supervision, work planning/scheduling, work distribution/follow-up, training/coaching.
OUR IDEAL CANDIDATE: Ten years of senior management experience with a deep understanding of Public Sector Administration, municipal finance and governance, supplemented with relevant Post-Secondary Education. High-level training in leadership, public or business administration. A proven consensus builder with strong transformational leadership skills. Ability to influence a diverse group of stakeholders. Significant knowledge of the Municipalities Act, 1999 and all related statutes. Possess analytical and interpersonal skills with the ability to use tact, diplomacy, and mature judgement.
If you are an initiative-taking dynamic leader, have the qualifications, and are prepared to meet the challenges as outlined, apply in strictest confidence today!
For more information, please reach out to: Krista Tapper, Senior HR Consultant | Higher Talent Inc.
We embrace diversity. Individuals that represent a variety of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills are encouraged to apply. Applicants considered for the position will be subject to a background check. This opportunity is only available for candidates legally entitled to work in Canada. We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those candidates being considered for an interview will be contacted.